Rival Teams

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Rival Teams 

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This chapter is dedicated to insatixble! Thanks for all of your kind comments and great ideas! Sorry it took so long to update I hope you enjoy your chapter!


The next morning I woke up with my head resting on something stiffer than a pillow, but just as comfy. I directed my eyes upwards to see the adorable sleeping face of the one and only, Liam Dunbar. Taking a moment to just watch him sleep I took in all of his gorgeous facial feautures, that is before I realized, 'hey, that's really creepy Stell, you should most likely stop.'

Although I didn't want to get up I was fully aware of the fact we had school today and that I couldn't skip because, i mean we all know how important my attendance is to me.

I stayed where I was, thinking of different adorable ways that I could wake Liam up. Suddenly the idea popped into my head to pull one of those cute tackle things like couples do in movies, except we aren't a couple.

I analyzed the pros and cons of proceeding with my magnificent plan, and according to the statistics in my mind the odds seemed to be in my favor. Plus I just really enjoy tackling people.

I removed the quarter of my upper body that was currently on top of his chest as gently as possible but as soon as I jumped on him his werewolf senses kicked in and he flipped me over to my side pinning me down by my arms to make sure he didn't hurt my wrists.

"Not fair." I pouted trying my best to hold back a smile.

A nervously innocent grin appeared on his face as he stared into my eyes. "Sorry."

Instinctively my eyes darted from his lips back to his eyes. The urge to kiss him was unbearable and I automatically began leaning up to attach my lips to his. Unexpectedly, he put his finger up to my lips pushing my head back down to the mattress. I looked at him a bit surprised at his decision because I mean he is a guy afterall. 

"We have to get ready for class." He smirked pulling his finger away. I let out a small one breath laugh.

"unbelievable..." I muttered before pushing him off of me and sitting up off of the bed.

"Wait. I change my mind."

I jumped out of the way before he had the chance to grab me "Nope. You ruined your chance buckaroo, that train has already left the station."

"Not even on the cheek?" he pleaded from behind me

I turned around to face him with the kind of expression that said 'really?'

"You really think I'm stupid enough to fall for that?"

His lower lip jutted out creating an extremely tempting puppy face, that mixed with his big blue eyes. I bit the inside of my lip hard to try and resist but I couldn't do it. I let out a loud sigh


He turned his cheek towards me as I leaned in, probably a half a centimeter away he switched directions and my lips landed right on top of his.

Knew it.

I paused for a second letting him believe that he had actually succeeded before pushing my index finger in between our faces and against his lips, he looked extremely disappointed as I smirked devilishly at him.

"We have to get ready for class." I mocked him before hopping off of the bed and walking towards my closet to choose an outfit.


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