Arrows and Allison

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Arrows and Allison


The loud, painful throbbing of my head brought me back to consciousness as I inhaled a large breath, sitting up to observe the unfamiliar room I was in. My head hurt more than I thought it would to be honest so grasping it i tried and stop the unbearable pain I was feeling, which didn't work. 

I could feel tears stinging in my eyes due to the pain I tried my best to numb. I don't know much about concussions but I had a very strong feeling I had one.

Looking around I examined the room I was currently laying in. As I slowly scanned the entirety of what appeared to be a hospital room my head rotated along with my eyes inspecting every inch of the room from left to right. My head stopped at my immediate right to see my cousin folded in a very unnatural  position, draped across a cheap hospital chair by my bedside, as well as his wolf of a best friend sitting up right with his head leaned back and both of them were snoring... loud.

Stiles was drooling while moving his lips slightly but not making any noise any I shook my head slightl... I'm judging him so hard.

“GUYS.” I semi yelled, but not rudely.

Almost immediately Scott’s head popped to attention while Stiles had a mini seizure and ended up on the hard tile floor face first.

Good thing we’re in a hospital.

Stiles slowly stood back up rubbing his jaw with one hand and his lower back with the other.

“What did Violet do to me? My head feels like someone dropped a bowling ball on it and then hit it with an aluminum baseball bat.”

Stiles winced in reaction to my explanation. “Ow…” 

“Well she kind of slammed your head against a brick wall…” Scott expanded for me.

“It hurts really bad Stiles.” I breathed out as I felt a tear drop down my face.

The amount of suffering this head injury was inflicting on me was most definitely the worst physical pain I've ever felt and with me, that's saying something.

Quickly, Stiles walked over to my bed and brought me into a large hug.

“You’re going to be okay Stell. I’m sorry I let this happen to you.” He mumbled into my neck as I grasped onto his shirt, staining it with tears.

"When I walked in Violet was in injecting you with something." Scott began, so it was him that I saw.

"I brought it to Deaton and apparently it was some rare herb that heightens everything you're feeling. So what should feel like a bruised forehead is actually gonna feel like someone cracked open your skull with a hammer."

"That's nice." I shivered sarcastically breathing slowly to try and stop the crying.

"Don't worry it should wear off pretty soon." Stiles encouraged and I just nodded.

When I looked away from Stiles I had to shield my eyes from the bright light. "Wait. How long was I out?" I asked suddenly becoming aware of the time of day.

"All of last night and part of the morning." Scott filled me in. My mouth opened to readily spit out questions but as if he had read my mind Scott started to recap the events I had missed while I was under.

"Violet got arrested this morning and Brett was taken to Deaton, so he's fine. The cops are still on the lookout for Garrett though, he disappeared after the game last night and ever since we haven't been able to find him. Oh and Lydia uncovered another third of the list last night."

 At the mention of the list my eyebrows raised in question which Scott gladly cleared up "Don't worry, Liam isn't on it yet."

I let out a sigh of relief that would have been a lot more relieved if he hadn't slithered the word ‘yet’ into his sentence.

When I turned to Stiles he was staring at me with concern and if I was right a little bit of anger as well. As I did for Scott I raised another eyebrow. I guess that was the universal cue for 'tell me what's up.' Either that or both of these guys are just really good with nonverbal communication.

"Stella what you did last night was stupid. Granted, I'm glad you're okay, but it was still stupid. You could've gotten yourself killed!"

"But I didn't." I defended "For some reason Violet said she wasn't going to kill me, which doesn't make much sense seeing as I'm a supernatural, right? Shouldn't I be on the hit list?"

"Why do you sound disappointed that you're not on a supernatural ‘to kill’ list?”

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