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Scott had ran off to go see if he could track down Garrett while Liam went to get dressed. I was about to head to class before realizing that my clothes were still wet and that mixed with randomly coming out of the boys locker room is no bueno.

"Stiles. You dragged me into this therefore you need to solve the problem."

"Fine, fine." He retreated to his locker and began to shuffle through the contents "You can um.... wear my practice jersey." He smiled in accomplishment tossing me the maroon jersey that had '24' printed in large white block numbers on the front.

"You're lucky I brought leggings to school." I mumbled "Cause I mean maroon on maroon, I would rather wear no shirt." I scurried out of the locker room and towards my personal locker. Luckily it was right next to the locker rooms so I didn't have to walk far in damp clothing.

After changing into black leggings and my cousin's lacrosse jersey I thought, hey maybe I should head back to chemistry considering I said I was going to the bathroom and I've been gone for half an hour. Just as I stepped through the doorway the final bell rang.

"Glad you decided to join us again Ms. Stilinski."

"Anytime Ms. Barnes." I smirked sarcastically.

The class giggled as they passed by me and exited out the door.

"Lunch detention all next week." She instructed handing me a slip of paper.

I decided that I didn't have enough stamina to argue my case so I just gratefully accepted my punishment and headed back to my locker to retrieve my books


"Stella! Stella wait up!"

Is that a mass murdering assassin I hear? No it's just Garrett, oh wait. SAME THING.

"I really don't want to talk to you right now." I groaned speeding up my walk but he kept up the pace just as well

"I saw what you did with Liam out there by the buses." He said, I could tell he was hurt.

"You mean kissed him? Well I'm not exactly dating you so I don't see why it is considered as your problem." I snapped as I continued walking ahead.

"Stell you promised that we could talk."

I promised.... God why do I have morals, and why do those morals include keeping promises?

"Fine. Let's talk about how you are a killer that, oh ya, murdered someone at the school last night and how-"

I was cut off as he put a hand on my mouth and pulled me aside into the janitors closet. He stood in front of the door, locking it before he turned back to face me.

"Let's not say that out loud anymore shall we?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and growled

"Did you change clothes?" He asked suddenly becoming aware of my change in attire.

"Ya, because the subject of me putting on a different outfit is just what I need to discuss while I'm trapped in a tiny room with a paid murderer." I retorted, my words laced with sarcasm.

He let out a deep sigh as he moved in closer to me, causing me to move back "Listen, I'm not going to hurt you. I ca-"

"Stop." I cut him off before he could finish his sentence "I swear if you say that you 'care about me' I will take that magical lacrosse stick of yours and shove it up you're a-"

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