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This chapter is dedicated to eevasi_r5 because she added my story to the reading list "books I love but are not Finished" I wanna thank you for loving my story and i hope that you continue to do so! Also You like R5 and i've met them at their concert last year. So if any of you readers like R5 go check her out! Thanks girly!


We finished the walk back to Lydia's lake house our hands lightly brushing each other's as we took each step in unison. I so badly wanted to just grab his hand and intertwine our fingers squeezing it tight, to help me with the fact that I've always kind of been afraid of the woods, but I fought the urge.

I didn't want him to think I wanted something to happen if it wasn't even there for him. For all I know this boy that I'm starting to fall for could only want to be friends, I swear the friend zone is like the spawn of the devil and I would rather not be in devil spawn. But most of all I didn't want to go too fast and scare him off. Everything seems to be flying by me so quickly that I've lost track of what's actually happened and what hasn't and I just need things to slow down so I can concentrate and analyze this complicated situation I've been dropped into.

By the time we had returned people were leaving. Each car was driving off individually except one black van that I knew to be Garrett's. This information led me to the conclusion that Garrett was still here and probably with Violet, and I was still here with Liam.

I don't think this will end well.

As soon as I saw Mason exit the house I knew the duo had to be close behind. They came out a few seconds later hands criss-crossed together.

I clenched my jaw as I watched them laughing together while descending the small steps that led to the doorway of Lydia's lake house. The laughing quickly came to a halt when I connected glances with Violet.

Quickly she whispered something to Garrett before walking towards me, as she slipped right by she instructed me to follow her quietly which I obeyed.

As soon as we rounded the corner of the house she just straight out bitch slapped me.


"I know what you did with my boyfriend you little skank." She spat at me in a horribly rude tone that I did not appreciate.

I grasped the side of my face which was now stinging and most likely very red.

I chuckled angrily before slapping her back.

"That's for making assumptions bitch. Your boyfriend was the one who came on me. He was the sober one in this little incident, so why don't you go slap him instead."

I could tell she was going in for a punch this time but before she did I ducked down while simultaneously grabbing her wrist above my head. I stared her in the eyes which were narrowed at me and laughed humorlessly.

"Don't ever try that again." I ordered using the arm I had in grasp as a helper to shove her backwards and out of my way.

Walking away I felt like a super mega bad ass.

I guess that year of Karate actually paid off....

I walked back around the corner to see Liam and Garrett talking about something unknown.

At the sight of me rounding the house Liam stepped away from Garrett and over to me.

"What happened? Your face is all red." He examined my face carefully reaching up a hand to touch my stinging skin. I slapped it away quickly, causing him to give me a weird look.

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