A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

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A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes


This chapter is dedicated to Kbryant99 for being a boss ass bitch and my main bae


When my eyes opened for a moment all I could see was white. And not gonna lie the first thing I thought was

"Oh shit. They screwed up. I'm dead. I'm actually dead."

Luckily my post mortem panic attack was put on hold as my vision cleared. Showing me darkness. But it wasn't pitch black so I knew I was safe.

The color I was staring at was almost seemed to be a gunmetal color in the shadows and as I looked behind me I could see a long, seemingly never endless tunnel heading the way my head was facing. An irresistible urge invaded my body and I subconsciously began to crawl towards the darkness. I had no rhyme or reason to do so, it was just like the darkness was pulling me towards it and I wanted to follow.

Suddenly everything transitioned and I fell onto a cold, wet, mushy ground. When I stood up it was dark but I was familiar with this place. I was on the lacrosse field.

'What the hell...' I thought as I got to my feet. Bursts of light erupted from all directions as the field lights turned on individually. In the shadows I could see a figure walking towards me. Who it was, I had not yet discovered considering at the moment it was only a dark silhouette. As it neared closer to the middle of the field where I stood, its facial features came to view making me quickly recognize the person headed towards me.

It was Garrett.

My first instinct was to run away seeing as he, you know, would've gotten money for killing me off, but as I ran it seemed to become harder and harder, like with every step the cold, slippery, mud would slowly transform into hard, grey, cement securing me in my place.

I couldn't move. And as Garrett came closer all I could do was scream for help. His combat boot clad feet trudged right in front of me, my eyes trained on them before gliding upwards to see his face. It was darkened by the shadows of the night making him look more dangerous than he did while he was still alive. His cheek bones were unhealthily defined, like he hadn't eaten in weeks and the sparkle in his eyes had depleted to a dark dull madness.

"If you're going to kill me. Just do it." I growled with clenched teeth pushing myself up into a standing position.

I closed my eyes prepared for something excruciatingly painful to pierce through me but instead I felt warm hands wrap around my waist and soft plump lips against mine.

For a moment it was as if, I enjoyed the nostalgic feeling I had when I kissed Garrett at the party.... Before I knew about him being an assassin, before I knew about any assassins. I embraced that feeling of simplicity when everyone was safe an our biggest issue was just that Liam had been bitten. That feeling of rebelliousness I had.

Then I remembered about Liam. How much kinder his kisses felt. How much warmer they were than Garrett's cold, dead kisses. I thought about how horrible I would feel having to tell him about this. I pulled back quickly, realizing that my feet were once again moveable which means that steps were once again takeable.

But it still felt like there was something tying me down. Turning away from the lifeless boy I stood frozen in my tracks. Eyes trained on a betrayed, teary eyed Liam.

"How could you..." He mumbled as a tear fumbled down his cheek.

"No no no. Liam. I'm so sorry this....this... I didn't want to hurt you." I spoke finally moving as I ran towards him.

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