Their Story

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Your best friend knows you.  They know your favorite color, who your teenage celebrity crush is, and the movie you can watch on repeat.

Your spouse knows all of that as well, but they know much more.  They know the exact shade of your favorite color and why you like it so much. They know that the color reminds you of all your memories from your grandmother's car growing up. They know that your teenage celebrity crush is still the person you wish you could spend a day, or night with, and exactly why.  They know that you really enjoy watching that movie on repeat because of the one line halfway through that touches your soul, that makes you laugh like a child again.

They know you better than you ever thought possible, because they're the people you feel comfortable with.

Jen and Brad are just that; spouses comfortable enough to share everything and anything.

Eight years ago, almost to this day, Brad and Jennifer stood in front of their friends and families declaring their love for one another.  Their guests knew from that day on, in thickness and in thin, that they would always be together.  Their love was like a puzzle: one that needed everything they loved about the other as pieces to be complete.

As they sealed their love with vows and a kiss, their blissful happy ever after started.

The happy couple, however, knew this from the second they laid eyes on each other almost two years before.  They knew that with strength and love, they would flourish together.

Brad never wanted to live without everything he loved about Jen.  He couldn't imagine a life without her laugh, the way she squeals with excitement everytime one of them gets home from a longtime filming.  He especially couldn't live without hearing her tell him how great her love is.  She constantly tells him that he's the greatest thing in her life, and she loves him more than he'll ever know, but truthfully, he doesn't want to know how great that love is.  He doesn't want to come to the realization that there is a limit, that there's something that could come between the two of them and their relationship.

The night of their first date, Jen knew she had to tell everyone.  Not because they were curious, but because she knew she had just met the man they would be hearing about forever: the man she would never get bored of talking about.  The man she would be spending every year of her life with.  She met the man she was going to marry. 

Their love continued to flourish as their marriage lasted way past the typical Hollywood standard.  They had their arguments and spats, but with each one came the feeling that they happened because they loved each other. Because Jen cared about Brad enough to get upset when he went out with irresponsible friends, and Brad cared about Jen enough to get upset about her overworking herself and not getting needed rest.

All the fights, all the arguments, and even the times they didn't want to see each other just shaped their love. 

They continued to follow and support each other, flying out to sets and staying up until morning hours to cover lines.  Their lives were dedicated to making their marriage work.

So when the days of stress induced arguments and separations began, they we shocked.  They had no idea what to do to solve their issues.  They always leaned on each other before, but that just seemed to make matters worse.

After all the happy, we can argue all we want and just make up, phases were gone, they had a harsh reality to face. 

Not just a normal one, but a reality surrounded by the media and their need to make everything much more complicated than it is.

See Brad leaving with a suitcase?  Jen must have kicked him out.  Divorce papers will be filed any day.

Jen was seen talking to another guy?  It can't be that it's just the director of her new movie, it has to be a secret affair. 

Nothing could be done with complete privacy.

The four walls of their house, where they once felt the safest, felt like even they were talking. 

The hardships of marriage continued to follow them, trying go break their bond, but their love continued to fight back even harder.

With every argument, they knew they needed to make a change.  Jen with her need to constantly know they're doing okay, and Brad with his lack of showing he cares about their hardships.  They needed to find a middle ground, but no matter how hard they tried, it just didn't seem possible.

Their love is strong,

Their bond is solid,

Their arguments are real,

They want each other,

But, will their love be enough?

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