Baby Time

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"Are you sure you're all set up in this apartment?" Cara, one of my best friends from high school sits across from me as we eat lunch "I don't want you rushing around right now, about to have a baby and all, but I'll gladly help."

"You're so sweet, but we have everything pretty good.  Sherry really helped with packing up and mailing the baby stuff, and Jane bought me some new clothes so I wouldn't need to send all my stuff out too.  We've had lots of help."

I lean back slightly, rubbing my lower back as twinges of pain wave over me. 

"You okay?  You look really uncomfortable."

"I'm fine, really uncomfortable at this point, but I've been having some pains in my lower back occasionally."

"I had that for weeks with my youngest.  I'm pretty sure it was even more annoying than the labor itself."

"I just wish they'd finally account to something.  I'm ready for the baby."

I laugh slightly, feeling more pressure than usual, but still push it aside since I want to enjoy my lunch.

"So what's Liam think of the new baby?  Does he care at all?"

"He doesn't seem to care too much, I think once he's here it'll change though."

We move on to desserts as I continue to feel little bits of pressure throughout our conversation.

"Are you excited to get everything over with?  I miss being pregnant, but it was nice once it was over."

"Yeah, I'm excited to see how this plays out with hopefully staying home longer, I don't wanna be in the birthing center the whole time."

"Just don't be one of those people that has their baby in the cab, who knows when they clean those seats."

"Ugh I know.  That's honestly my biggest fear."

As we finish, we tie up the conversation while waiting to pay.

"You'll have to let me know when you feel good enough for visitors. I can't wait to meet the little guy!"

"Aw, we'll let you know.  We can't wait either."

I eventually walk back to the apartment, enjoying the few moments to myself before Liam jumps on me when I walk in.  As I reach the door, I can already hear the sounds of Brad and Liam playing inside.

"Hi momma!" Liam runs up to me the second I have the door open.  I close it, following him through to his playroom where Brad is.

"Looks like you two were having fun."

"Loads.  How was lunch?"

"Great, it was really nice to catch up with her.  The food was good."

I sit down with them, trying to get more comfortable as the pressure slowly comes back, making it almost impossible.

"Liam do you wanna watch your movie?" I pull him on my lap as we put the movie on "We can finish it this time."

"Popcorn?" Brad walks in with a bowl, conveniently laying it on my belly "It has extra butter."

We get about halfway through the movie when I start to feel even more pressure.  This time, it's enough that I feel the need to tell Brad, who starts timing the early stages of contractions for me.

"They're seven minutes apart, not lasting long, so I don't know if anything is really happening."

"Well, we have everything packed already, let's just see what happens."

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