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"Seriously, if you're going to put your feet against me then put on some freaking socks." Brad practically pushes me out of bed as he wakes me "You do this every night.  I can't freaking sleep."

"You should put some pants on then." I roll over, shoving my face in my pillow as I try to ignore him.

"I don't like wearing pants to bed.  You know that."

"Well if you want me to wear socks then you better get up and put them on my feet yourself.  Or stop being a baby and go to sleep."

"I am not touching your feet.  They're gross and smell bad."

"My feet do NOT smell bad!" I shoot up, glaring at him "Why do you feel the need to wake me in the middle of the night?  I have to be up early."

"Because, your feet are pissing me off!" He gets up, grabbing his blanket "I'll just go sleep in the guest room.  You obviously want that anyway."

"That's not what I want.  I want to sleep without some inconsiderate asshole waking me up and ridiculous hours."

"Well you could've fooled me." 

Just to piss me off even more, he walks out of the room.  He knows that I hate it when we sleep in separate rooms, especially when it's over petty nonsense like this.  I get up, grabbing a sheet to cover me since I'm half dressed and cold, and follow him into the guest room. He looks at me surprised as I walk in, but reluctantly moves over in the bed to give me some room. 

"If you really want me to wear socks I will, but you HAVE to shave off that beard.  I know I liked it before, but you're constantly waking me and scratching me with the stubble."

"Deal, but you have to shave it.  Every time I do, you tell me I messed up and look bad."

"Then let's do it now.  I have to be up in an hour anyway."

He doesn't seem thrilled with it, and thinks about excuses for a while, but eventually gives in. 

"Just please don't shave any of my skin off.  I need it to remain hot for the world.  They love me."

"Yes, babe because that would be devastating.  Maybe this time I'll carve my name into it.  Remind everyone they can't have you because I do."

"Like I already don't flaunt around the fact that I'm married to the hottest woman in the world." He rolls his eyes, sitting on the counter for me "If you're going to write something, write how awesome I am."

"Or I can draw a giant penis."

"We aren't twelve, Jennifer.  Grow up."

"We'll see what happens."

"Now I want a mirror.  You could be doing anything to me."

I lean in to kiss him, letting the sheet that was covering my body slip, and reveal the very see-through lace bra I have on. 

"I don't think you'll mind too much."

"Hmm, this makes me want to do something very different." He pulls me in closer for a kiss "I think the beard can wait."

"Oh, but it can't." I pull away slightly to disappoint him "The stubble annoys me during sex too, so it needs to go."

"Wow I must really be bad if you notice that."

"You're definitely better without..."

"So shave quickly and we can have some fun."

"I wish.  I have work soon." 

He, again, looks very disappointed, and sits still for me to continue shaving.  He doesn't even flinch as he feels me carving in random designs, hoping it'll get me to change my mind a little.

"You're getting hair in my bra." I complain as he leans closer to me, letting all the lose hairs drop "Now I'll need new clothes and a shower just to get these off."

"Oh, I'm sorry.  Is it torturing you?"

"I know I'm very hot and you like what you see, but I really don't have the time this morning.  I get off early."

He doesn't say anything, just reaches behind me to unhook the bra.

"Seriously, I can't do anything."

"You don't need to."

He stares as my bra slowly falls down, gawking at what he sees like he didn't just see them last night.

"You're a mess.  Grow up." I turn his head slightly so that I can shave the sides "You can always come to the set with me.  It's a commercial."

"Do you have a decent trailer?"

"Is sex really all you're capable of thinking about?"

"The fact that you're standing partially naked in front of me and don't expect me to be thinking about sex is sad.  Only because I know you don't care that I'm thinking about it, but still, it's sad."

"It's a nice trailer but there's no bed.  Just a couch."

I brush off his face, getting all the hairs off before he jumps off the counter.

"Sounds like it'll be a fun day." He starts to undress, walking towards the shower "I have to wash all these hairs off.  You can join if you want."

"Will it make you happy?"

"It'll get the hair out from between your boobs."


I finish undressing and quickly put my hair up so that doesn't get wet.  He holds the shower door open for me as steam bellows through the bathroom, warning me about the scorching hot water.

"I wanted it hot enough that you would like it."

"What the hell is your definition of hot?  This is Satan's hot tub."

"So you like it?"

I walk over to the knob to turn it down slightly so that I can at least breathe.

"So what are we doing later?" I grab my body wash, lathering up "Anything special?"

"That movie you thought looked good is out.  I thought maybe we could see that once you're done." He takes the body wash, getting me to turn around so he can wash my back "We can go to eat or something."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

I help him wash his face once I'm all washed off, and we quickly get out to dry off so I'm not late.

"Brad," I look around our room once we get out "Why are all my socks piled up on our bed?"


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