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"Go back to sleep." Brad mumbles, knowing he woke me getting into bed.

He crawls over closer to me, pulling me closer to him as he rests his hand on my growing belly.

"It's 2 am, Brad. Where were you?"

"Out with George." He sighs, rubbing my belly "He's still moving around?"

"Mhm. Hardly stopped since the ultrasound. I liked it at first but now it would be nice if he fell asleep."

"He's just getting a head start on pissing you off. Working hard already."

We both fall asleep. I'm finally relaxed that he's next to me, and he's taking advantage of the alcohol he must've had and is snoring away.

I wake up a few hours later to Brad yelling at the dogs, and force myself out of bed to go check on them.

"What are you complaining about this early?"

I walk downstairs, wrapping my robe around my body as I reach the kitchen.

"Sorry, they were fighting so I tried to stop them, but they kinda got my arm stuck between them."

He holds up his arm ashamed of himself, and all I can see is how bruised and swollen it looks already.

"Brad that's broken." I hold it up since it's limp, trying to move it a little "You need to get it casted."

"I can't do anything right now. I smell like alcohol and tacos."

"Yeah, I know. You're disgusting."

I back away from him, not wanting to smell it anymore.

"Go get a shower and brush your teeth. I'm taking you to the ER."

He reluctantly agrees, and I look for more clues to see what really happened. I know the dogs were probably fighting, but I also know he did something else dumb to cause this.

As I walk into the living room, I have to catch myself from tripping over the carpet that the dogs must have pulled up. I can still see the imprints from the dogs paws as well, knowing this has to be where they were fighting.

"He is so clumsy." I laugh to myself as I flatten out the carpet, and go upstairs to find some clothing for the day that still actually fits.

"You look nice." He gets out of the shower, walking into the closet "Hoping to find a hot doctor while we're there?"

"Hey if he falls for me I won't complain."

I help him get dressed since obviously a broken wrist means death, and drive us to the ER where we luckily don't get recognized and are left alone.

"Do you think I get to pick the color?" He asks excitedly as he holds his arm up "I could make it blue! I love blue."

"I think I'm married to a child." I roll my eyes, flipping the page of my parenting magazine "Hey, it says here that we should bring something of the baby's home before we bring the baby home for the dogs."

"So a blanket?" He looks over my shoulder to read it "I think they'll be fine, though. They're already all over you now."

"I know, but it probably wouldn't hurt. I don't want them all over him."

"I'll hold them off. They won't get my baby." He takes the magazine, looking through it "Some of this is just ridiculous."

"Well, some people swear by all of it. I think most of it's bullshit, but I guess we'll find out."

I grab a second magazine with similar information.

"This one can just be our tester kid. As long as we don't kill it we're doing good."

"The next few will be better off."

"Next few? How many do you think we're having?"

"Mr. Pitt?"

"We'll have to talk about that later." He lucks out with the nurse calling him back, and we get up following her to a room.

"So how did this happen?"

"Two of our dogs were fighting and I was trying to stop them. I put my arm out and it got twisted..."

"He tripped over our carpet while they were fighting." I correct him "He tried telling me the same story."

"Jen!" He complains, turning towards me "You weren't there. My story could very well be true."

"Okay, well either way, did you fall on of with your palm down or the outer side of your hand?"

"Palm." He answers, still glaring at me, obviously pissed "I didn't fall much, but I think it was just twisted pretty bad already from them fighting. It was more like I leaned on it."

"Someone will be here so you can get your xray shortly. Let me know if you need anything in the meantime."

"You just had to ruin my story."

"They need to know the truth, Brad. It's kinda important."

They take him for his Xrays shortly after, and he comes back smirking. I sit quietly, waiting for him to tell me why.

"They bought my story."

"Well good for them. I know the truth."

"Why'd you have to tell the hot nurse my story wasn't true?  That was really mean."

"Because you woke me at 2 am.  Think ahead next time you do that." I move over as he climbs on the bed next to me "I like my sleep."

"Well, Brad.  You definitely fractured your wrist." His doctor walks in with the xrays, holding them up to the screen "It's a clean fracture, so it shouldn't take long to heal, but we need to cast it."

"How long will I need the cast?" Brad looks at the xray as if he actually has any idea "A few weeks at most, right?"

"I'm going to start you out with a month and then do a second set of xrays.  We'll have to go from there, but typically it isn't needed longer than two months."

"You'll be fine." I tell Brad as they wrap up his wrist "It'll be a funny story to tell everyone.  I can't wait to hear what kind of story you come up with."

"I'm going with I saw one of the dogs about to run into the street and dove out to stop them."

"Yes, because everyone will believe that."

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