Girly Days

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"Oh my God my feet are so swollen." I look down at where the nail technician is rubbing my legs "I didn't think they were that bad."

"They're probably worse from your flight." Jane leans over from her chair to look "I bet that feels good though, looks like they hurt."

"Like hell.  I can't wear sneakers much anymore either because they hurt even worse after a few hours from the swelling."

"Yeah, but this is all so much fun." Brad's sister, Julie adds "You're only halfway through, it'll get even better."

I flew out to visit everyone while Brad does some press for his latest movie.  I love getting to see his family, and it's nice to be out of the media for a little.

"Where are we going for lunch?" I ask as they move on to painting our nails "I'm starving, and Brad's paying.  He just doesn't know yet."

"I vote Italian!" Julie says right away "That place we always go to when you visit and just remodeled.  They added more to the menu too."

"We went a few weeks ago.  The new stuff is really good."

"Then we'll go there.  Italian is always good."

We leave the nail salon shortly after and go straight to eat since I can hardly wait.  I'm always hungry and always eating.

"Wow it looks so different." I look around the once familiar restaurant in shock "Looks so Italian now.  I feel like I'm in Italy."

"Does it make you wanna go back?" His mom asks, laughing at how infatuated I am "You still have some time that you're allowed to fly."

"I'd love to."

Julie puts her menu down, looking over at me confused.

"When was the last time you were there?  I thought it was just last year."

"No, we were there 3 years ago for our 5th wedding anniversary.  We went to Alaska last, but that was about 2 months ago."

Our waiter comes over to get the order, and we sit around talking about the baby until our food arrives.

"Did you come up with a name yet?"

"No, we just haven't been able to agree on anything.  I don't think we really like anything we've suggested." I hand them some of the latest ultrasound pictures we have "Brad finally stopped calling him a bee after seeing these.  I guess he finally believes he's a baby."

"You still have some time." Jane looks at the pictures, trying to hide how excited she is "Just make sure you don't let Brad name him Bee.  He's been very hung up on that nickname."

"Oh trust me, you don't have to worry about that.  He tried and it was shot down immediately.  I still like the idea of naming him after Brad and just using Liam as a nickname instead of Brad, but he doesn't like it much."

"I really like that.  Dad would love it." Julie agrees, handing me the pictures once she's done "It would be cool for them to have the same name, but still be different."

I devour my food once I finally get it, and force once actually feel full.

"That was amazing.  So much better than the LA Italian food we normally get."

"I know.  Even better since Brad's paying.  I might get some dessert." Jane hands me a menu "Anything you want?"

"The salted caramel cheesecake is huge.  We could all split it." Julie suggests, showing us "It's really good too."

"Sounds good to me."

We dig in once the waiter brings our cheesecake, and it's just as amazing as Julie said. 

"So how have you been feeling?" Jane asks as we leave "Brad said you've been sick again."

"My morning sickness never went away, so I'm not really sick, just feel like shit.  Some days I still throw up a few times, and some days I just feel like I'm going to all day."

"And the worst part is there's not much you can do about it." Once we get in the car, Julie shows me a picture of some medicine "This helped me a little, but you have to get it prescribed."

"I'll do anything at this point.  This is the most exciting thing I've been able to do the last few months.  I haven't been to premiers or anything, people think I'm in hiding."

"That might not be such a bad thing." Jane says, knowing Brad and I really aren't thrilled with the paparazzi and media "Might be easier to hide him once he's here."

"That's what we're thinking.  We really don't want them around us with him."

Jane drives us back home, and we're all quiet until we turn onto their street, where we see all the kids running around the front yard.

"I'm going to miss it here.  I can't believe I have to go back already tomorrow."

"Oh they're going to be pissed when they find out."  Julie gets out of the car, watching the kids "They were asking every day for at least a week when you would get here.  I don't think they could have been move excited."

"Definitely more excited than when they know Brad's visiting.  Guess he isn't as cool anymore." Jane adds "You'll have to bring the baby soon so they can share all their bad habbits."

"Oh, we will.  I'm sure considering they learned most of their bad habits from Brad, the baby will have plenty of his own."

I lean against the car, feeling my unborn child abuse my insides while listening to the laughter and screams of the kids running around.  They all wave as they see me, smiling from ear to ear out of pure excitement.  It's times like these that remind me how lucky I am to have Brad and his family who have accepted me as their own.  They might be a huge dysfunctional mess at times, and we don't always get along about everything, but I love them all more than words can say.

And this baby is going to have the best family he could ask for.

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