Damn Script

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"Where did you hide my script at this time?" Brad flings open the shower door, staring in at me angrily "I need to go over my lines today!"

"I didn't move it intentionally.  Did you have it somewhere I was cleaning?"

I wash out my conditioner and grab a towel to wrap around myself as I get out since he shows no signs of leaving me to finish

"It clearly said what it was, Jen!  I wouldn't have had it laying out if it wasn't important." He sighs, walking from the bathroom into our bedroom where he starts moving things around to look "How would you like it if I started moving your books or scripts around?"

"Considering you hardly lift a finger when it comes to cleaning I'm not too worried." I follow him around, finding myself some clothing along the way.

"Seriously, Jen." He stares me down as I pull my bra and panties on, trying to hide that he's very quickly forgetting about the script "Where did you put it?"

"I don't know, Brad.  Maybe it ran away.  Maybe it doesn't want you to play the part."

"Look, I know you aren't thrilled about me signing on to another movie and spending more time apart, but I feel like I need to do this." He walks over as I'm about to put my pants on, wrapping his arms around me "I want to be with you, but we agreed to this life, and this movie could be huge."

"I know we did, it's just hard.  It's hard feeling like I'm married to your phone, or we just aren't us anymore." I turn to face him, only to see that he has the biggest look of sorrow on his face "The script is on the top shelf of the bookcase in the living room.  That's the only spot that had enough room that it wouldn't get bent."

He goes to walk away, but turns to face me quickly before walking out of the room.

"I promise, after this movie is done I'll take a break.  We can do whatever we want."

"We always say that... both of us."

I finish getting dressed and eventually  make my way downstairs to see what this script has to offer that's so special.

"Let me see it." I walk in the living room, where Brad is sitting on the couch with snacks and beer  surrounding him "What's it about?"

"You won't like it.  I play an asshole."

"Play one or you're naturally one?" I ask, taking the beer from his hand as I sit down "There's a difference."

"I'm playing one." He rolls his eyes, handing me the script.  I take it from him to glance at, and quickly realize I have no interest in it.

"It'll be great." I drink some of the beer before handing it back to him "I hope you have fun filming it."

He wraps his arm around me, pulling me on his lap.  I rest my head in his chest, taking in his scent as I start to relax.

"I miss this."

"Miss what?"

"This... being together.  Not rushing around constantly.  We used to do this all the time."

He kisses my forehead, gently stroking my hair.

"I love you, Jennifer.  I love moments like these, and I wish we had more, but I also love our careers.  You're so incredible at what you do, you're incredible at everything.  I have no idea how I got lucky enough to get you, but I want you to always remember that even in the hard times, I will always feel the same."

"I love you too, Brad.  More than I thought I could love anyone.  And you're incredible too, but I need more than these sparse moments.  I need to have you with me, around me.  Seeing new pictures of you and talking to your answering machine aren't going to cut it."

"You don't think I miss you?  I spend every freaking second thinking of you and us while I'm away.  I just thought you knew that, I thought that after all these years we were comfortable with not having to be touching every second to know we love each other..."

"I don't need that much, Brad." I cut him off, thinking of how to explain what I want to say "I need surprise visits, flowers sometimes, calls at 2am just to let me know what your day was like.  I don't expect much, but sometimes I feel like you think of me as a chore."

"We're just different in some ways, Jen.  If that's what you want, then I can do it, but we need to compromise.  If we're making 2am calls, then I'm going to need occasional video calls to see what you look like without all the ridiculous touch ups.  You know I like you best naturally."

"And I think you're lying through your teeth, but you make me feel good."

"You're beautiful.  I'm just here to remind you of that."

"Do you still see us together in years?  Growing old together?"

"I see us old and annoying together.  We'll be screaming at each other in the nursing home, fighting until our last breath."

"Because you'll still refuse to pick up your coat and shoes..."

"No, because you refuse to let out your inner child when it's needed."

"Maybe we can let the people we're pissing off decide which one it is." I laugh, leaning in for a kiss "They'll just want to get rid of the old annoying couple."

"If they're smart they'll just stick us in a private room.  Let us have our fun when we aren't fighting."

He wraps his arm around my neck, pulling me in for another kiss.  I kiss back, forcing my tongue in his mouth, meeting his.  He moans deeply as it gets more passionate, welcoming the strong suction that has formed around our lips.

"Hey babe," I slowly separate, noticing he isn't too happy with me "I can't wait to get old with you."

"I can't wait either."

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