Momma's friends

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"It's been a week since he was sick, just go."

Brad is trying his hardest to get me out of the house for a little with my friends, but I have absolutely no interest at all in leaving Liam.  He's fine, and I know that, but he's so little and he could get sick again.  I could get someone's cold and bring it home.

"Courteney is going to drag you out of this house if you don't leave soon yourself.  You need this."

He takes Liam out of my arms where he was squirming anyway, setting him on the floor to crawl away to all his toys laying around.  I watch for a while before I hear a car door shut outside and know Court is about to make her way into the house.

"Come on, your baby will be here in a few hours, waiting up for you." She grabs my arm, waving to Liam who doesn't even acknowledge us "See, he wants you to leave.  Him and Brad are probably planning a party or something."

"Oh, well that makes me feel great.  Thanks."

I follow her out after Brad pushes me gently through the door, making it very obvious that I can leave. 

We get to Court's car only to see that Lisa and Andrea are already looking exhausted and like they're ready to go home.  Court goes throug a driveway for us to get some coffee since we're all getting way too old, and we eventually get to the restaurant bar, getting a table right across from the bar for easy access. 

"We're starting with shots!" Lisa decides for all of us, getting her energy back "They make them great here."

"It's a shot, how great does it have to be?" I finish off my coffee as the bartender takes makes everything "You don't even taste it."

"Or if you're Court you gag.  Poor David."

"That happened once, Drea!" Court rolls her eyes, downing the shot "And they thought they were cute adding whipped cream to it.  They shouldn't have done that."

"I liked it.  Added some flavor." I confess as I reach for my other drink, looking around at everything "I can't believe of all the places in LA, we still chose to come here."

"They've always treated us well."

"Yeah, no reason to waste our time going anywhere else."

They bring us some bar food, all of our favorites to snack on as we hang out, catching up on everything from the past few months. 

"You know, the last time we were out like this, Jen was so pregnant that they wouldn't even let us sit near the bar.  We had to sit at the table like normal people waiting forever for our drinks."

"At least all of you got to drink.  I couldn't even drink and then still ended up throwing up the next day.  All I got to do was watch all of you laugh so hard you almost fell out of the booth."

"You did almost get stuck though, that was funny."

"Yeah funny for you.  You weren't lugging around a belly that felt like it weighted more than you."

I finish my first drink, quickly ordering a new one off the menu to go with the extra mozzarella sticks they just brought out.  The warm feeling of fun and friendship fills me, making the night much more enjoyable than I expected.

"You're enjoying yourself." Lisa smirks as I sip the drink "We need to get you out more."

"I agree.  She used to be so much fun."

"Remember the time we were all at your house, you were sick or something and got drunk off two drinks?  Brad carried you up to bed and you threw up all over him."

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