Liam meets his family

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"You did so good for your first flight!" I hold Liam up excitedly as we walk off the plane "You're just excited to meet everyone."

I didn't think he was capable of sleeping that long at once with people talking around him." Brad says, looking over my shoulder to see that he's still half asleep "I love how he's always pulling your hair when you're holding him."

"Yeah, because it's not yours.  He has a strong grip, it hurts."

Brad grabs our luggage since I have Liam and his crap, and we continue through the airport towards where his parents are waiting for us. 

"Aw, he's getting so big!" Jane takes Liam from me the second we get to them "I can't believe he's already 6 months old."

"I know, it's crazy.  I leave again for my first time filming away the week after we get home.  I'm going to miss them." I watch closely as she straps him into his car seat, playing with him to make him laugh since he doesn't like being strapped in "I don't think I'm ready, but I've already filmed all my scenes in LA so I don't really have a choice." 

"We'll be fine." Brad reassures me, knowing that's part of why I don't want to go "He has me to take care of him."

"You have Sherry or someone else helping, right?" Jane quickly asks "Or do I need to fly back out."

"Sherry is helping." Brad rolls his eyes "I can do this myself though, I kept him alive the last two days with only minimal issues."

"Yeah, you say that now because he isn't old enough to rat you out.  Just wait." His dad says as he drives "He'll start telling Jen everything you guys do as soon as he can talk and then you'll always be in trouble for something."

We get back to their house, where we're staying and his family has taken over the house, all waiting to see Liam for the first time since they haven't been out to LA yet. 

"Oh my God!" His sister walks up to us, looking at Liam "He looks so much like Brad.  I love it."

"Yeah, he's going to be very cute, just like I am!" Brad smirks, knowing all of us are laughing at him "He's going to grow up and use it to his advantage."

"Let's just hope he isn't as annoying as you were growing up." Doug says, looking over Julie's shoulder at Liam "I think you had to be one of the most annoying kids ever."

"All of you were annoying.  From the second you learned how to talk." Bill pushes past them, into the house "Why are you all here anyway?  I was going to come home to sleep."

"The kids are in your room." Julie says, not even looking up from Liam, making us all laugh "They said they wanna nap with you."

"Aw, see they love their grandpa!" Jane adds, knowing he does not find it funny "And they're willingly going to nap!  That's a miracle."

"You can take him too if you want." I motion towards Liam "He's already half asleep, he'll be easy."

"He's the cute one, he can come with." Bill takes Liam from me, walking into the bedroom.  Seconds later, all the other kids that were awake run out. 

"He made us leave so Liam can sleep." The kids roll their eyes as they walk towards the back door.  We all laugh as they make their way out to the swing set and toys to occupy themselves.

"I thought they'd be much more interested in Liam, a baby in general." Julie walks up to Lisa, Jane and I as we watch Brad and Doug playing with the kids "They've been talking about him nonstop.  I think there's more pictures of him circling around our house than of my kids."

"I loved it when they called the other day and wanted to talk to him.  I have no idea what they said to him but he was really laughing."

"All I know is Landon couldn't be more excited to have another boy in the family.  He couldn't wait to meet him."

Jane sits silently, watching her family play as she admires everyone.  She loves it when we're all together, her and Bill are always trying to get everyone to visit and stay over. 

"I love hearing all the laughter.  I expected lots of kids, just never this many, but it's great.  They have so much fun together, even if they're trying to kill each other every other minute most days."

I sit with them, enjoying the sweet wine as it travels through my body, right to my brain, leaving me much more relaxed than I was when we got here.  They all share funny stories about the kids, trying to warn me about what I have to look forward to, but I can hardly listen.  I'm too busy watching Brad, the biggest kid out there, run around full of excitement.  He loves his family more than anything, all of us mean so much to him.  Watching him play like this, so carefree and fun, just reminds me even more of how excited I am for the times he gets to do this with Liam. 

"You're quiet," Lisa singles me out after a while "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is... everything is great.  It's just nice to be here, finally getting to see everyone again.  It's been way too long.  I missed being together like this."

"Well now you have even more reason to come visit us.  Liam needs to know his family."

"Oh we'll be back often, you guys keep me sane.  I wouldn't be able to put up with Brad if it wasn't for his family."

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" He surprisingly walks up behind me, "I'm too much fun to be annoying.  I'm the best."

"Yeah, sure you are." Jane rolls her eyes, trying not to laugh at how ridiculous he is "You were an annoying child at times."

"But I love you anyway."

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