He's Here

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"What?  Are you okay?  Does it hurt?"

He jumps out of bed, pulling me with him.

"Oh my God!"

"Oh my God calm down!" I laugh at his excitement "I'm fine.  Just relax."

"But... no.  You're supposed to have a week left." He helps me pull the sheets off the bed since it looks like I peed, not letting me do much "Are you sure you didn't just pee?  Maybe that's it."

"Brad, I think I'm old enough to know when I pee."

I roll my eyes, rubbing my back slightly as I get my first contraction.  It's not very painful, but enough that I know this is real.

"Just call my doctor and I'll take care of this.  I'd rather be walking around and speed this up a little anyway.  I don't wanna be stuck in a hospital room for hours."

He reluctantly let's me carry the sheets downstairs and start the wash while he's trying to explain everything to my doctor.  Of course, his explaining involves a lot of overreacting, but he's getting the job done.

"They want us to stay home for a little and go in once your contractions are like 3 minutes apart.  Unless you feel we need to leave earlier."

"Okay." I start to walk back upstairs, but he stops me.

"What are you doing?" He tries to pull me closer to him, but I keep walking "You should probably stay close, just incase something happens."

"I'm not dying, Brad, and I feel gross.  I'm just going to take a shower.  If you're that worried come up and sit."

Not surprisingly, he follows me right up the steps to get all in my business, proving he's going to be with me every step of this labor.

"Do you think it's going to be painful?" He asks as I wash my hair "Like scary painful?"

"No, I think it's going to tickle.  Of course it's going to be painful.  I'm pushing a human out of a whole the size of my fist.  I wasn't planning on it being easy." I feel another contraction starting, but try to ignore it for now.

"Well yeah, I know that." He finally gives up, letting me shower in peace.

I get the conditioner in my hair just in time to feel another contraction, and lean against the wall in pain not able to ignore it.  They're slowly starting to get worse, and I will do everything I can to make sure this goes by quickly.

"I think we need to go." I decide once I get out and dry myself off "They're really getting bad."

He helps me get dressed since the contractions have jumped to just over 2 minutes apart, and I'm getting very uncomfortable.

"You need to drive faster." I breath through a contraction, gripping on the the door handle in pain "Seriously, he really wants out."

"I can't drive any faster or we'll get pulled over.  Just keep breathing." He holds my free hand, squeezing it slightly to remind me that he's doing his best "We're almost there."

I keep breathing through the pain, praying we make it there in time and that everything is okay.

Brad pulls into the parking lot and quickly helps me out, grabbing my bag and helping me walk in.  He gets us checked in and luckily they lead us right to a private room once they hear how fast I've been progressing.

"Here's a gown to change into.  I'll stay here to get everything ready, and as soon as you're changed and in bed I'll check you to see how far along you are." The nurse walks us into the room "There's a bathroom through that door you can use."

I take the gown and practically run into the bathroom wanting to get this done between contractions if that's even possible.

"Brad," I sigh, leaning over the counter as another contraction starts, holding my head in my hands in pain "Brad I need to push."

He frantically stops tying the gown and stands there in shock.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you have about 5 seconds to either get that nurse or grab a towel and catch your son yourself."

I grip my hair in immense pain, trying to keep myself from pushing while he grabs the closest towel and calls for the nurse.

She runs in just in time for my next contraction, and helps Brad since he's absolutely clueless.

"Holy shit!" I moan, feeling the pain of pushing.  Brad quickly reaches for my hand, helping to comfort me while also holding me up.

"One more push, Jennifer.  He's almost out."

I squeeze Brad's hand, pulling all the strength I have left, using it to push my hardest.  I feel the nurse pulling on the baby slightly and keep pushing until I feel a huge relief. 

"Oh my God that was so gross." Brad stands there in shock as the nurse hands him the baby "How did you do that?"

I glare over at him, waiting for him to realize how much of an idiot he is being right now, and finally get to see the baby as the nurse helps me sit down.

"You're amazing." Brad says, handing the baby over to me, finally coming to his senses "I can't believe you just did that."

"Yeah well, I can't either."

I look down at the baby in amazement as he looks up at me smiling.  He looks so much like Brad it's ridiculous.

"He's so perfect." I trace his squishy little face "I can't believe he's here already."

"I love him so much." Brad leans over me to get a better look "He must've really wanted to meet us."

"How are you feeling, Jennifer?" My doctor walks in to see that she missed everything "Looks like baby is doing good."

"I'm okay.  Just a little sore."

She nods her head, standing in the doorway to watch Brad and I bond with the baby.

"Thank you," Brad leans in to kiss me "For going through all of this.  He's amazing."

"You're welcome."

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