Tough Times

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"Aw, look how cute they are." Brad wraps his arms around me as we watch Liam playing with Maxi through the slots on her crib "This almost makes up for them not sleeping all night."

I continue watching the monitor, taking in these sweet moments as Liam gently sways Maxi's arm around, humming his favorite lullaby to get her to sleep.  She doesn't seem to know what he wants her to do since she keeps stirring around, but the sight is cute enough.

"We really make cute babies, even if they can be more annoying than I ever thought imaginable."

"I think they get that from me, according to you I can be pretty annoying."

I turn to face Brad, looking him in the eyes as I lean in for a kiss.

"You aren't always annoying.  Just like 75% of the time."

"Well I guess 75% isn't too bad."

I lay back down, sighing as sleepiness overcomes me, knowing Liam will burst through our door any minute.

"Do you have any extra bottles for her?  I'll take care of everything this morning, I need to know what you normally do."

"There's a few baggies of frozen milk in the freezer.  She'll fight the bottle for a few minutes but if you let Liam try eventually she'll just take it.  He's gives up holding it after a few seconds but she doesn't care."

"Okay, well you get some sleep.  I'm sure he has a very busy afternoon planned for us."

Brad's POV:

"Liam, come on.  Maxi's tired."

"But daddy! We play!" He jumps around in front of her crib causing her to make squealing noises "See!"

I walk over to pick him up, but as soon as he's in my arms, they both start crying way too obnoxiously.

"Okay fine, you go out in the living room while I get her changed.  Do NOT wake mommy."

He runs out of the room, turning left which means he did not listen to me at all and is going to wake Jen no matter how hard I try to let her sleep.  I grab Maxley, cleaning her up as I get her changed and go hunting for Liam.

"He's all the way under the blankets.  Wants to sleep there."

I hand Maxi to Jen, and of course all she wants is to eat and keep Jen awake even longer while I fight with Liam to give Jen a few minutes alone.

"Daddy, I lay here." Liam pushes my face away from him as I get closer, trying to reach his little body "I comfy."

"Well then you can lay here later, we need to let mommy sleep now."

"But mommy's awake!"

Before I get a chance to stop him, he darts out of the blankets and lays on Jen's chest next to Maxi who couldn't care less that her brother refuses to listen.

"Just make me some coffee I guess.  Maybe we can all nap later."

I walk out to get the coffee, instantly hearing the tv turn on and the sound of cartoons filling the apartment letting me know we're all awake for good now. 

The kids haven't let Jen sleep in days, taking away any chance I try to give her, and as much as I try helping, they just want her.

"Here," I trade her the coffee for Maxley, squeezing myself in the bed "I'm sorry, I tried keeping him out of here."

"It's okay, he would have just sat at the door crying again.  I don't know why he can't just play with his toys anymore."

"He'll get over it eventually, he just needs some good adjusting time.  He hasn't figured out how to be the best big brother ever yet."

"He is really working on it though.  He's constantly begging to be with her."

I snuggle Maxi, who wants absolutely nothing to do with me since both Jen and Liam are near her, trying to keep Jen somewhat relaxed after the last few weeks of doing almost everything herself.  Liam eventually crawls into Jen's arms, resting his head on her shoulder as he quietly plays with her hair while watching his shows.

"Mama we go play?"

"Not right now baby.  Mama's still tired."

He gives up, knowing this is a battle he's been losing way too often recently, and I feel terrible for it.  If I was here to help more, Jen would have the energy she needs to do everything she used to with him.

"Do you want me to take you?  We can take Maxi for a walk."

He jumps up at the idea, glaring at Jen as he walks over to get dressed, obviously trying to make her feel bad for not taking him.

"Do you want anything on our way back?"

"Just for both my children to be alive.  Make sure you take the stroller, he needs to hold on to the side or he runs."

"Can't we just tie a leash to him?  Hold him back that way."

"If you want to be the father that does that go ahead.  We don't have ths backpack leash though, we only have the dog ones and I'm pretty sure that's illegal."

"I'll just tie it to a backpack."

"Babe, it doesn't work that way."

"We'll be fine.  He just wants to explore a little."

I get myself ready while she feeds Maxley quiet, and walk out to see what outfit Liam decided he wants to wear.

As I get closer to his room, I hear lots of laughing and walk in to see that he definitely does not have any sense of style at all.  He has a neon orange shirt on with a pair of glittery leggings jammed on his legs that are obviously for Maxi.

"Liam, you're stretching out your sister's pants... why don't you put a pair of shorts on?"

"Cause I cold!"

"Okay, well then a pair of pants.  Anything but your sister's stuff.  It's way too little for you."

He finally agrees on a pair of jeans, and I force him out of the room before he makes an even bigger mess.  I grab Maxi and her stroller, strapping her in and grabbing Liam's hand as we venture out the door.

"Mama go this way." Liam points to the side as he starts walking "It quick."

I follow him, knowing exactly where he's going as we fight our way through all ths crowds.  He happily jumps along, telling me everything he wants to do once we finally get there.

As soon as we get there, he runs up to play with every kid he can see, enjoying all the company while I sit with Maxi listening to her little mumbles, finally getting to enjoy my baby.

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