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"Hey." Brad scares me, walking up behind me on set "I need your car keys."


I turn towards him with honestly no clue as to what's going on right now.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, I just need your keys for a minute.  Locked mine in my car by accident when I got out."

He looks upset, almost scared, but that could still be from our argument last night that never fully resolved.

"They're on my purse in my trailer."

I watch as he walks off, almost wondering if I should be following him just out of curiosity.

"Aw, you two still visit each other on set?" Emily, my costar walks closer to me "That's cute.  I wish I had that.  All I seem to find is assholes interested in fame."

"We try to.  He actually just needs my keys, but it is nice to see him before I'm too tired to do anything once I get home.  It's not always this cute though, trust me."

"For a commercial this shoot really is taking a while." She switches topics, watching the directors talk "It's fun, but I'm fine with it ending any time now."

"It is."

I sigh, knowing this is mostly what is causing the recent problems between Brad and I, but I also know that he should understand better.  After all, a few months ago it was him away filming.  And he wasn't just a 10 minute drive away, he was hours.

"You okay?" She looks over at me, noticing I'm not paying attention "I can tell them you needed a break if you want."

"No, I'm fine.  Just really tired.  I guess I'm just not as used to filming recently."

"Go see what he's doing.  You know you want to."

I walk towards where he is at our cars, noticing that he isn't using my keys to unlock his car.  He's not even near his car, he's looking at mine.

"What are you doing?" I stand across from him, trying to find what he's looking at "Something wrong with it?"

"I'm just checking it.  Wanted to make sure all the paint matches up since the whole curb incident."

"Brad I've had the car back for over a month..."

"I know, I just thought of it now."

"What's going on?"

He gives in, knowing I can clearly see his keys hanging out of his pocket where the dumbass decided to hide them.

I reach over, pulling them out, holding them in front of him.

"So I might have backed into your car this morning."

"Again?  You could have just started with that."

I turn towards his car, inspecting it to see if there are any scratches on it, since mine always seems to end up worse when he does this.

"I was kinda scared of your reaction.  You got really scary last night.  I thought you might hide my car or something."

"Hide your car?  Are we 16?" I continue to look between his car and mine, not noticing anything "It doesn't look like there's any damage."

"Yeah, I noticed right away.  I knew they were close when I backed up, just didn't know how close until I heard it.  I guess I stopped the car on time."

"Well it looks fine to me."

"So you aren't mad?" He turns towards me "You know it wasn't on purpose."

"Well I'm not thrilled you lied... or that you felt like you needed to.  When did we turn into that couple?"

"I don't know, but I don't like it.  I'm always doing stupid things and I feel like you really pay for it.  I'm sorry."

"Just try not to hit my car anymore, okay?  I'm sick of having to explain your shitty driving to everyone."

"No you aren't." He laughs, looking at me "You love making fun of me.  Especially when I give you the perfect material."

"Can't argue too much with that."

I start to walk away, stopping when I feel him holding me back.

"I love you."

He leans in for a quick kiss, something I've wanted since last night.

"Love you too.  Next time just tell me, don't waste time driving to set just to lie."

"Who said I waited any time?" He walks behind me, reaching out again for my hand "Maybe I wanted to watch you work.  It's been so long."

"Or maybe your trying to kiss ass." I lean into him, letting him guide us as we walk back towards the set "I won't complain though, it's nice having some company.  Especially since this is taking forever."

"Yeah what's up with that.  Commercials are supposed to take a day.  Two max.  I'm missing you.  I can only talk to the dogs so much before they start ignoring me."

"I'm trying my hardest not to question any of what you just said.  I probably don't want to know the answers."

We get back to the set, but in typical laid back, don't know how to run a set fashion, the directors have decided we're done for the day and need to come back tomorrow.  Emily sighs, walking away from the meeting just wanting to be done, and I turn towards Brad clearly pissed off.

"Maybe I'll be done filming before you start again.  Never thought it would be cutting it so close."

"Are you sure you signed on for the right thing and it's a commercial?" He takes the script from my hands to read it "Seems more like one of those annoying ass infomercials trying to sell you drugs."

"Oh yeah, did I forget to tell you it's a Viagra commercial?  Thought maybe you could use the free samples they're offering."

"Very funny.  We have at least a year before we'll be needing those.  Besides if we were actually home together more than once a week and I wasn't put on the spot so much there wouldn't be any issues."

"I haven't noticed anything too bad... I could do without you falling asleep so much though."

"Shut up."

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