What Happens, Happens

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I walk onto the movie set, searching for Brad.  He agreed to Alaska the other day, so we're going to leave right from the set as soon as they're done. 

I find him with a costar, and he waves me over, wrapping his arm around my waist as he introduces us.

"I missed you." I kiss his forehead, wrapping my arm around him "It looks like you've been having fun."

"Too much fun.  I think Alaska can wait." He jokes, pulling me closer for a kiss "I missed you more."

He says bye to everyone we walk by on our way to his trailer, and quickly grabs his bags.

"You ready for another flight?"

"No, but it'll be better since you're with this time."

We get to the airport shortly after and quickly board our private plane so nobody will recognize us.  We want to keep this vacation as quiet and possible so we get the bonding time we need.

"Here, do you want some?" He offers me some wine, knowing how anxious I get on flights "It's really good."

I try to come up with a way to deny it, but I know he can see right through it.

"I already don't feel too good.  The last flight had a lot of turbulence.  I probably shouldn't drink any."

"Okay." He doesn't even bat an eye as he drinks the rest.

"So what are we gonna do once we get there?  Did you plan anything fun?"

"Dinner." I laugh, realizing how boring that must sound "I thought for the first day it would be good to relax."

We find a movie to watch for the rest of the flight, cuddling up on Brad's chair as we very impatiently wait for vacation to start.

"Happy Anniversary, baby." He sneakily kisses me as the movie starts, handing me a small bag "Open it."

I tear open the little bag to see a small box.  I open that to see a pair of the most beautiful earrings I have ever seen.

"They were my grandma's.  She gave them to me a few years ago for you, and I wanted to wait until the perfect time to give them to you.  I know things haven't been the greatest between us recently, but I love you, and I want you to know that I always will."

I try to hold back my tears as I look at them, knowing how much this must mean to him.

"I love them!  Thank you so much, baby."

I kiss him back before quickly putting the earrings on and cuddling back up in his lap.  I must fall asleep, because that's all I remember from the flight.

"Babe, we're here."

Brad gently shakes me until I wake up, letting me know we've arrived.

"How long was I asleep?" 

"Long enough to miss the ending of the movie."

We grab our jackets since it's much colder than Mexico, and make our way through the airport to a cab that's waiting for us.

Brad helps load everything and we drive off to our hotel to get ready for dinner.

As we walk up to our hotel room, I start to get nauseous.  Not just a little, but to the point that I'm ready to vomit at any second.  It could be the morning sickness I've been fighting, or it could be the fact that as soon as Brad opens this door, our lives are going to be changed.

"What's all this?" He shuts the door, walking over to the bed where there's some flowers and a present "Did you do this?"

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you for our anniversary." I try to think of a way to distract him long enough to sneak the sonogram picture into the box "Hey, before you open that can you put these bags in the closet?"

"Sure..." He looks confused, but takes the bags into the next room to put them away.

I quickly pull the picture out of my bag and place it in the box.  I didn't want to risk anyone finding out by letting the hotel do this.

"So can I open this now?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

I brace myself for his reaction.  I should be excited, but I really can't help but wonder if he's going to be upset.

He rips open the packaging and looks at the card I have inside.  It doesn't seem to phase him too much, so he goes right to the picture.

"Jen, why am I looking at a bee floating around?  What the hell is this?"

"Look closer."

I can tell the second he realizes what he's looking at, because his eyes get huge.  He continues to stare at the picture for a while, clearly in shock.

"This is real?"

"I found out two weeks ago..."

"It's not a joke?"

He still looks unsure of how to feel, and it scares me thinking that there's a chance he won't want the baby.

"No, it's real.  I didn't believe it either at first.  I still don't know what to think about it.  I didn't even know how to tell you... I was worried you would be upset."

"Why would I be upset?" He walks over to me, almost on the verge of tears "Jen we've wanted this for years.  If anything, I'm just upset that we weren't together when you found out, but that's my fault."

"So you're happy?  Even though we decided not to try?"

"Of course I am!  I'm shocked, and a little confused about how it happened now and not years ago, but I couldn't be more excited about this."

"That's such a relief." I finally admit, relaxing for the first time in two weeks "They said everything is perfect, even though I didn't know for almost 2 months."

"What about you?  How are you feeling?"

"Very sick and emotional, but it's all worth it.  Seeing this on the monitor for the first time was probably the greatest moment of my life."

He looks back at the picture, and up at me, still in amazement.

"I can't believe we actually made someone.  I knew something good would come out of our relationship."

We start getting ready for dinner a few minutes later, both unable to control our excitement.

"So two months, that had to be a set visit, right?"

He sits across from me, putting his menu down.

"Was it when I visited you in New York."

"It had to be.  We were both so busy then, there's not any other time."

We order our food, and sit in silence. For the first time in a while, it's a good silence.  We're both thinking about the baby and how much our lives are going to change.

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