Baby Yoga

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"What, baby? Why did you take off your pants again?"

"Cause I hot."

"Come on, put them back on. We have to leave for yoga."

"But mama! I wants you pants."

"Liam you said you didn't like leggings, remember? You told me they were comfortable."

"Oh yeah. They hurted me."

I grab my yoga mat, along with Liam's little one that he specifically picked out because it has cars on it, and load Maxi in the stroller so we can go. Liam happily jumps along next to me the whole way to the class, excited about it since Brad brought up the idea.

"Liam," I lean in front of him once we walk in "I need you to be good here, okay? If you're bad they won't let us come back."

"I be good mama."

I unload everything once we find a spot, luckily next to a nice lady who obviously has a toddler herself. She helps Liam roll out his little mat while I get my own stuff ready.

Liam lays on the ground with Maxi playing around and keeping her entertained while I try socializing with some of the other moms around me. They all seem fairly nice but the one right next to me has been the best.

"He's so good with her. Mine are constantly fighting, even though the baby is helpless."

"Oh this isn't an every day thing. He likes her until she is playful and then he's not the nicest."

The instructor walks in, asking me if she can have Liam next to her since we're in the front anyway and he's the only toddler so he can take in all the attention. I happily agree since he already has his little mat moved next to hers, obviously not interested in me and Maxley anymore.

"Okay sweetie you can sit in front of me and you're gonna lift your feet like me, can you do this?"

He nods and does exactly what the lady says, surprisingly calm and happy while I do the same movements with Maxi on my legs. He soon starts to get bored and starts to walk to other mothers with their new borns much to my embarrassment

"Liam, come back here honey" I whisper trying to get his attention but smiling babies are much more interesting so he completely ignores me. He decides he won't let go so he sits on the floor next to the baby and his mother, trying to touch him

"God I'm so sorry, he's usually never that attracted to other babies "

"Oh don't worry he's adorable, how old is he?"

"He's one, but speaks way too much for a his age haha"

"Mommy look baby boy!" He laughs as he plays with his little feet

"I know honey, isn't he so cute?"

"Yess and other baby" he gets up walking to other moms with their babies "Honey come back to mommy now, we have to continue the yoga"

"No I stay here" we walks all the way back and starts to walk and jump all around us as we continue, then he eventually gets tired and comes back to sit next to me with his head on my arm and his feet almost completely in Maxi's face

"Honey put your feet on mama, or do you want to do the positions with me?"

He nods so I lift him up on my feet, making him squeal and laugh as the other mothers laugh too watching him "He's the older baby we've had here but honestly he's so entertaining! You should bring him with you the next times"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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