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"Guys, please be quiet. Just a little longer."

My niece and nephew are rummaging through my parents house, throwing toys and picking fights with each other. I'm trying to finish going over a script that was sent to the production company, trying to decide if we should do anything with it.

They can very obviously tell that I'm trying to work, but that just makes them act even worse.

"The two of you are going to make me crazy."

I sigh, shutting my laptop and walking over to where they're fighting over a blanket that neither of them wanted five minutes ago.

"Sit closer to each other and then you can share it." I throw it on top of them so they're both covered "I already promised you guys ice cream if you're quiet, what more do you really need?"

"I like extra sprinkles..." El suggests, using my desire to get this done as an advantage "And maybe some other candy."

"And I like extra chocolate." John adds.

I immediately regret offering them any more sugar since they're already going beyond crazy and don't show any signs of stopping, but I need to get this done and soon if we want to follow through with anything.

They finally sit somewhat nicely and I open my laptop to finish reading what's left of the scrip. It isn't a whole lot, but it's finally getting interesting.

I finally get to the last paragraph and see that Brad's calling me.

"Hey, just wanted to make sure you guys are still alive."

"We are for now. They're really getting on my nerves though."

"I can't wait for this baby to start pissing you off."

"It already is. It's laying on my bladder again."

"Good." I hear him laugh on the other end "So how are you doing with the script? It's been longer than usual. We told them we'd let them know by 2."

I look at the time to see that it's 1 now, and both kids are more interested in my phone call than their movie.

"I should be done in like 20 minutes if they leave me alone. It's not exactly the most interesting."

"Yeah I didn't think so either. I'll let you go, just call me when you're done so we can decide."

We hang up and I go back to the last pages of the script. It isn't bad, just could definitely use something to make it a little less boring.

"You soon done?" John sits next to me, laying his head on my shoulder "I'm hungry."

"Just a few more minutes."

I finish the last page, which surprisingly gets much better, almost making up for the rest of the boring script.

"Okay I just have to call Uncle Brad quick, then we can go."

"I wanna call Uncle Brad!" John quickly gets my phone. I type in the number for him and he puts it on speaker. As soon as Brad picks up, John screams in his ear.

"Hi Uncle Brad!"

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"We're going for ice cream since we were so good!" He yells excitedly "I want you to come with."

"Maybe if you guys can wait a little I will. I have to finish work."

"Okay we can wait." John sighs before handing me the phone.

"Hey, I finally finished it. I really don't think we should go through with it. Unless they're really open to changes."

"Yeah I thought so too.  It's just not the best.  Where are you taking them?"

"I don't know. I kinda want real food too.  Maybe we can go somewhere and then get ice cream after."

"Okay, then let's meet up at the one across from the park.  We can take them over there to play after the ice cream."

"Okay, we'll leave here in a little."

I turn to the kids once we're done talking and get them ready.

"Go to the bathroom and clean up your mess in here.  Grandma and grandpa won't be happy if they come home and see this mess."

I gather up all my stuff, making sure I actually have it all this time while they run through the house excited for their ice cream and dinner.

"We're ready!"

"Okay, let's get in the car." I grab my keys as we walk out "Do you have everything?"

They nod as they get in the back.  I start driving towards the restaurant, listening in on their conversation until we get there and they see Brad.

"Let's just get a table a while." Brad suggests as the kids fight over who they're sitting next to "Maybe we can just trap them in a booth."

We get seated shortly after, helping the kids pick out what they want so they actually eat what we get them instead of trying to eat our food.  

"You guys need more than just french fries." I point to the options on the menu Brad's holding up "What about grilled cheese or chicken nuggets.  They're good."

"I want chicken nuggets!" John finally decides, "And lots of fries." El quickly decides she wants the same and Brad and I order quickly so they don't change their minds. 

"Are you guys excited about your cousin?" Brad asks the kids "You'll get to play with the baby all the time."

"I want you to get me a puppy instead.  I like puppies." El says, not happy at all about the baby "Puppies are so much nicer. They don't fight with me."

"Yeah a puppy is nicer than a sister!" John agrees "You should get both of us a puppy."

"I don't think your mom and dad want you guys to have puppies..." I try to hide how I'm laughing at them "You can always come play with our dogs, you know that."

"And the baby won't be around you all the time to fight. Only when you want to visit."

"I guess we're excited then. I only want to play with the baby though, that's it."

"Do you think it's a girl or a boy?" Brad get's them even more excited "Maybe you can tell us before the doctors do."

"I want it to be a girl." El quickly answers "They're better than boys."

"I kinda want a girl too." I surprise myself, admitting it for the first time "I guess I'll love it either way."

"Well yeah, you kinda have to." Brad glares over at me, not thrilled at my response "You kinda signed up to live the kid either way..."

"And I will."

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