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"I just don't understand why we're taking a baby to an art exhibit."

I follow Brad through the house, picking up the pieces of the outfit I plan on wearing as Liam drug them around earlier.

"He's way too young to even care."

"He's going to have the most fun ever. He'll love it there. We're going to have our very own artist soon."

"Brad, he doesn't even know what he's looking at yet. This is ridiculous."

He walks into Liam's room where I hear him rummaging through the closet, trying to find something cute to wear. I stay in our room, piecing together the outfit I picked out weeks ago, excited for an outing with just Brad.

I pull my skirt up, over the perfectly matching shirt to examine the outfit carefully. Nothing is very noticeable yet as far as the baby, although I feel bloated beyond words. The design of the skirt seems to cover up anything that could pop out, literally saving our night from being ruined by rumors.

"You look hot," Brad sets Liam down, letting him ruin his adorable outfit as he crawls around, "Who are you trying to impress?"

"I don't know, thought maybe there would be a hot artist there."

"Just don't let him see you holding Liam, he probably doesn't want someone with kids."

"So what, I'm just supposed to surprise him in 7 months?"

"Well you don't wanna ruin his night..."

I feel Liam scratching at my legs, trying to undo my shoes because they're glittery and catching his attention. He tries his hardest, even trying to chew them apart at one point before giving up and looking to me for help.

"You don't want those," I pick him up, resting him on my hip "Let's get you your toys. We need to leave soon."

"Oh shit, it's already 6..." Brad grabs all our stuff, leading us to the car "Hopefully Andrea and Mike aren't looking for us already."

"They know we're always late."

We make it to the exhibit, after what feels like forever since Liam freaks out in the back seat, forcing Brad to pull over so we can calm him, only to see that it is almost completely empty.

"You made it!" Andrea runs over to us, fussing over Liam "Whys he look so pissed?"

"I don't know, maybe because his dad made him come with to an art exhibit where he doesn't understand anything."

"Okay, clearly the baby isn't the only cranky one."

"She'll get over it. I have a good reason to have him here."

Brad leads us through everything as if he's been here before, stopping in front of where all Mike's camera equipment is set up. He takes Liam from me, walking over to Mike and whispering while Andrea and I talk.

"How are you feeling? Have you told anyone yet?"

Drea pulls me into a corner, making sure nobody else can hear since we haven't announced anything yet.

"I'm sick as hell most days, but we're really excited now. It took a few days but we're more used to it now."

"Well, don't get too emotional on us, but we kinda helped Brad with a surprise for you..." I turn around to see Brad and Liam sitting in front of a backdrop waiting for me.

"Aw, you knew I wanted pictures!" I feel tears coming on, thinking about how much I've been wanting to get these done "You didn't have to do this for me."

"Of course I did, I know how important things like these are to you."

He waves me over, making some room next to him for me to sit, where we hold Liam between us. Andrea stands behind Mike holding toys and making faces to get Liam's attention so he doesn't look miserable.

We switch it up a bit, handing Liam off so Brad and I can finally have some good, non paparazzi pictures of the two of us. He stands behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as I change between looking at him and forward at the camera, making sure we go through different poses.

"You two are the prefect models," The photographer shows us some of the pictures "Do you mind if we use them in the exhibit?"

"Of course not, go ahead."

They hand Liam back so we can take turns holding him in different positions, trying our best to make him laugh for some extra cute pictures. He grips onto his little toys, putting them in clear view to make sure they're included as well.

"Buddy look at daddy!" I turn Liam towards Brad, who is trying to make him laugh, hopefully leading to some very funny, normal looking pictures since we're always laughing.

"You guys are such a cute family," Drea looks through the few printed pictures "I can't believe how big he's getting. He was just a baby."

I smile looking over at Brad and Mike throwing Liam around, playing with him like he's the greatest thing in the world, which to us he is. He's laughing his cute belly laugh, stretching his tiny arms out midair as he flies between the guys, smiling like crazy.

As the space fills up with excited people waiting to see all the art work, Brad and I walk around huddled up with Liam between us so he can't manage to sneak off. Brad has his arm tightly wrapped around me to provide the comfort I need as we feel the stares of fans surrounding us.

"So, are you glad I made you bring our little masterpiece with?" Brad leans down kissing me as Liam sleeps peacefully on my chest, "I knew you'd appreciate it."

"I loved it. I'm so happy we have pictures just the three of us."

"And next year we can bring this one too." He smirks, resting his hand on my belly, "I can't wait to be lugging both of them around."

"Well, in a way, I already am. And it isn't exactly easy."

I stop in front of a very interesting sculpture to examine it, unsure of what it could possibly be until the artist runs over to us, way too excited to explain.

"This," He begins by pointing to what I'm guessing is the top of whatever the hell it is we're looking at, "represents the merging of the human and the TV. In recent years especially, we've seen how attached we are to our electronics, so I thought I'd symbolize it. The human and cellphone has been done many times, so I wanted to make mine unique."

"Ohhkayyy..." Brad stands next to me, staring at the sculpture, just as confused as I am, "When I said we could have a future artist, I did not mean this."

"Don't worry. He's awake now but I made sure to turn him towards me. He can't see it."

We quickly move on to some more promising art work, one of the pieces being a painting that Coco made years ago.

"Aw, I bet she's so excited this is here," Brad takes Liam from me, showing him everything to do with the painting, even though he's more interested in trying to poke a hole in it. I take a few pictures of them for Coco before we move on to an even bigger surprise.

"Brad..." I stand across from what I think is a canvas painting that I made years ago "How did this get here? You said we lost it when we moved..."

"Surprise, baby! I could never let this get lost. I just kept it in a safe place."

I continue to stand there in shock, staring at my first baby. The painting that took me months to get perfect is staring back at me, showing itself off at an art exhibit that all of Hollywood was invited to.

Brad sits Liam in front of it, letting him trace everything as he coos, loving what he's looking at, even if he has no idea why it's so important.

"You really did this for me?"

"I'd do anything for you."

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