Hiding no More

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"Are you sure it isn't noticeable?  I really don't want to announce it yet unless we absolutely have to."

I stare at myself in the mirror, flattening out my dress around the outline of my belly.  Brad swears it isn't big enough for anyone to notice yet, but I'm convinced it is and our secret will get out.  My pants don't fit, my shirts are starting to get tight, and things are just rapidly changing.  It's not that I don't want anyone to know, I'm just not ready to be living all this in the spotlight.  I don't want my unborn child to already be in magazine headlines.

"Why don't you want anyone knowing about this?" He walks up behind me, placing his hands with mine to make it even more noticeable "You're over three months and haven't had any problems, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to announce.  And you look cute.  I like the new you."

"I'm just not ready yet.  I still haven't fully wrapped my head around it and I sure as hell don't want a bunch of reporters heads up me trying to figure everything out."

"I think they'll be excited about it."

"And I think it's none of their business."

I grab my shoes, still not having a real answer from Brad, and walk out of the room.

"You look beautiful." He can sense how stressed I am, and tries to help "And I can't see anything.  The pattern of the dress really helps hide it.  You did good."

"You sure?"

"Positive." He spins me around for a quick kiss "Now let's go show everyone how perfect you and your new movie are."

We leave the house shortly after, and I'm a nervous wreck.  I'm excited for the premiere, but scared about everything else.

"I feel sick."

We're in the car on our way to the premiere of my newest movie.  I can already see all the paparazzi waiting for us, and the baby is moving around like crazy.  The kicks rattle my already upset stomach, making things even worse than they should be.  This has been happening almost nonstop recently and it drives me crazy.

"Here."  Brad quickly hands me a bag and pulls my hair back "I knew you'd get sick."

I vomit repeatedly in the bag, scaring the driver and making me feel even worse.  It keeps going until we pull up at the premiere and I'm forced to get myself together. 

"Chew this.  It's minty.  It'll help." My assistant hands me a piece of gum as we get out "We'll sneak you through the back for now.  Nobody will know."

Brad leads the way out, holding the bag and walking towards an exit door.  A security guard let's us in and I dash for the bathroom, getting sick all over again.

"I can't do this."

I hold my hair back between vomiting as Brad and my assistant stand behind me, trying to comfort me. 

"They're going to know.  They'll either figure it out or post in all their dumb magazines about how fat I got.  This isn't fair."

Brad rubs my back as I vomit again, gagging himself.

"Then let's just tell them.  We don't need to stay out there long.  We can tell them, pose for some pictures and run back inside.  And you are NOT fat."

I stop and look up at him, hoping he's joking, only to see that he's serious and my assistant agrees.

"Fuck.  You're right."

"Let's do it."

I get up once I feel better and freshen up at the mirror.  My stomach has finally settled and the creature inside has hopefully gone to sleep.  After one more quick look to make sure I don't look terrible, I follow Brad out.

Brad leads me back outside to where all the action is with the promise of getting this done together and fast.  I don't know that I could do it alone.

"Let's go over to her.  She seems nice." I point out a reporter that's been calling us over "I wanna tell her and just get it over with."

"Hi!  You two look amazing!" She greets us excitedly "It's been a while since you've both been at an event together.  You were starting to worry us."

"Everything is fine, we've just been so busy recently it's hard to get out much." Brad pulls me closer, wrapping his arm around my waist to reveal the slight bump, making the reporter's eyes huge "Things have just been crazy recently, but they're getting much better."

"We couldn't be more excited.  It's been a hectic few months but well worth everything."

"Congratulations!  You two are going to be amazing parents!  I bet you can't wait."

We continue to walk down the carpet, ignoring the constant screams and posing for pictures with the hope of all this slowing down soon.  Everyone has figured out our secret, and wants to talk to us even more than before.

"You feel better now?" He pulls me closer as we pose "I told you we would get it done right away."

"Much." I look up at him smiling, making the paparazzi go even more crazy "I can't believe this is all happening."

"Well you better believe it soon, because times going by pretty fast.  Before you know it we won't be at these things because we have a screaming mutant attached to us."

We pose for a few more pictures as the crowd starts to calm down, then go in to find our seats. 

"Congratulations!" One of my costars runs up to us "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better." I admit, thinking about earlier "But it's so worth it."

The movie starts a few minutes later and everyone goes quiet.  It isn't my typical comedy, so it's interesting to see myself on the big screen in a different way.  It's even more interesting to see how Brad and everyone else reacts.

"You're amazing." He leans over halfway through the movie "It's weird not seeing you laugh, or hear everyone else laugh at you, but you're amazing.  I love it so much."

"Thanks, baby."

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