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"Why is it so freaking hot in here?" I roll over towards Brad and Liam, who snuck in sometime last night, to see that they're both laughing at me "What?"

"Your tank top is all tangled up, and your hair... uh."

"I love you mommy!" Liam jumps on me, taking away from Brad's comments.  I hug him back as Brad shows me my reflection in his phone.

"Okay yeah, this is bad.  But it's because it's so hot."

"Jen we have the air conditioner set at 65.  Our child is in winter pajamas right now."

"Yeah?  And I'm 6 months pregnant in July.  In California.  I win."

Brad gets up to cool things down a little while I take Liam with me into the bathroom where I attempt to clean myself up before whatever activities him and Brad have planned for today.

"Mommy I help!" He hands me my brush, knowing I'll need it.  I set him on the counter where he can reach my hair, letting him brush half while I work on the other half.

"It's perfect, baby.  Thank you so much." I kiss his little forehead, driving him crazy as I put him back on the floor "Can you get mommy's shorts?  The ones you were playing with yesterday."


He darts out, giving me a second to pee alone for once, before running back in with exactly what I asked for, expecting some kind of reward.

"Let's see what daddy is making downstairs.  Mommy needs to eat before she gets sick."

"Your belly hurt?"

"A little, but it's okay."

I carry him downstairs, listening to him tell me all about his dreams from last night on the way, before setting him down so he can play with his toys while I meet up with Brad.

"So Court thought maybe we'd like taking him to see the fireworks later." I read off my recent texts "She said they have the perfect spot at the beach house, it's just her, Coco and David."

"Are you sure you can sit outside that long?  It's like 90° out today... I don't really wanna listen to your bitching."

"They have the pool open, I'll be fine."

"What about your mom?  Is she staying with your brother or coming with?"

"She hasn't answered me yet, but probably staying with them.  The kids haven't seen her in a while."

"Okay, well then I guess we'll leave after we eat?  Try to beat some of the holiday traffic."

After explaining to Liam that he'll get to see Coco, swim, and watch some huge lights all over the sky, he actually eats his whole breakfast for once, even racing us, thinking it's the greatest thing ever when he wins.

"Let's goooooo!" He tries pulling us out the door before we even get the chance to get changed, or pack what we need for the day.

"Baby you're all messy, we have to clean you up before we go anywhere."

Brad takes him to get ready while I go through my closet looking for any bathing suit that fits and isn't too stretched out.

"Mommy, I ready!" Liam runs in, hugging my legs as I fight to pull the bathing suit on.

"You look so cute, baby!  Let's go find daddy."

I finish getting myself together, only to find out that Brad is already in the car with it running so that it's cool enough for me when I get in.

He starts the long drive as soon as Liam is situated, giving us plenty of time to talk about everything going on while Liam watches a movie.

"How do you feel today?  Like sick wise?"

"Not too bad right now, but we'll see when we get there.  I just took my meds."

"You're in a better mood recently, that's good."

"My mom kinda lectured me on it when we took Liam for that picnic... I've been trying to be better."

"I know it's hard for you, but I'm happy you're able to enjoy things more.  I just wish you could feel better.  I hate seeing you so sick all the time."

"I know, I never expected it to be this bad."

We eventually make it to the beach house where everyone is already in the pool waiting for us.  Liam jumps in as soon as Brad gets his little floaties on, leaving Brad and I to follow.

"You can see them while in the pool, it's pretty awesome." Court swims over to where I'm sitting on the steps "And relaxing."

"This is perfect.  I woke up today all sweaty and gross, so being in a pool is great.  Especially since it keeps him occupied."

"David and Coco have been talking nonstop about everything they're going to do with him today.  They're very excited about it."

"Well, I won't be upset if they wear him out and he actually gets some sleep tonight."

We get off the steps eventually, pulling ourselves into the pool further where we swim out to where everyone is playing.  Brad sets Liam on his shoulders while Coco and I take turns throwing a beach ball back and forth to him, making him excited every time he catches it and is able to throw it back towards us.

He jumps around on Brad, kicking his little legs excitedly, proving just how much he loves playing with all of us.

"When do the fireworks start?" Coco asks as we all sit to eat "Soon?"

"In a few hours, honey.  You still have some time to play."

"Liam they're so cool!" She pulls him on his lap, explaining everything to him "They're all kinds of colors and they go all over the sky."

"They blue?" He asks, wanting to make sure he'll get to see his new favorite color.

"Some are."

His little eyes light up as he tells Brad all about how he wants to sit on his shoulders again so he can see every last firework.  I watch how excited they get over simple things, remembering how lucky I am to have both of them.

"Sounds like we're going to have a very exciting night," David hands out some dessert "I can't wait to see all of this."

"And as soon as the fireworks are over, all the kids have to go to bed."

"That sounds good to me, I can use the extra sleep." I start cleaning Liam off since he looks like a picnic threw up on him, before he decides to run away.

"Just don't go in the pool yet, you need to wait for us."

He sits along the edge, letting his little feet dangle in to keep himself cooled off.  I eventually go over, setting him on my lap, letting him play with the baby as he lays his head on my belly.

I look over to see Brad watching us carefully, taking pictures of us as Liam points out everything to me.

It's all fun until Coco runs away from Court, jumping in the pool causing Liam to do the same.

"I think we're going to have some best friends.  I never expected them to be this close."

"I know, I thought the age difference would stop them."

Court and I watch as our children bond, something we had hoped for since the day she found out she was pregnant with Coco.

As the fireworks start, we all get quiet watching them as we cuddle around each other in the pool.

"I think this is the best summer yet."

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