Chapter Two

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Her alarm is blaring at four in the morning, but there is no need for the atrocious thing. Her mind is already wide awake, wondering how the hell she is going to manage seven days with Emma. Seven days, with the woman she is madly in love with, without the husband by her side to steal her away the moment they have a private conversation. Seven days, posing as a family with their son, laughing and enjoying one another's company.

She groans and tosses her covers off her body. As much as she despises Captain Guyliner, she almost wishes he was coming, just to keep her emotions and lust for his wife in check. It would be far easier if he tagged along and she wasn't forced to spend more time with Emma, most likely falling deeper in love with the woman who hardly notices her anymore.

She works on autopilot, showering, dressing and even styling her hair while her mind nervously flicks through every scenario of how this vacation will end up. When she is all ready, she sneaks across the hall to wake Henry up. She lightly taps her knuckles against the door before slowly opening it.

"Henry?" She softly calls out, peeking her head inside to find her son all dressed and ready to go. "Oh, you're up." She smiles at her handsome son and enters his room.

"Yeah, I could hardly sleep last night. I'm too excited," he chuckles a deep bravado that reminds her so much of his father, despite only knowing the man for a few short months before his untimely passing. "Are you all set? Would you like me to bring down your luggage?"

"That would be lovely, dear." Her fingers lightly dance across his forehead before gently cupping his cheek. "I'll meet you downstairs and make us some coffee?" She offers, in which he nods in return. "Good, we have some time before Emma arrives."

She and Henry exit his room and part ways, her son heading for her room to retrieve her suitcases while she makes her way downstairs. The moment her foot connects with the bottom step, there is a rapid knock against the front door, taking her by surprise. She quickly glances at her watch and notes it's only five in the morning, Emma shouldn't be there for at least another half an hour.

Her bare feet pad across the cold marble floor toward the front door. She stretches on her tiptoes to peek through the hole, instantly spotting a wild mane of golden locks. She subconsciously smiles and quickly unlocks the door.

"Emma," she smirks, folding her arms across her chest. "You're early."

"Well, good morning to you too, Madam Mayor," she quips as she extends her hand containing a thermos.

"Madam Mayor?" She suspiciously questions, but still accepts the beverage offered to her. "I haven't heard that name out of your mouth in quite some time."

Emma brushes passed her and closes the door behind herself. "Well, with that tone and the way you were standing, I had a very strong sense of déjà vu."

"So, you're early and you brought me coffee?" She interrogates, intrigued as to what the reasoning is for the sheriff's sudden manners.

"Yeah," Emma flippantly replies, shrugging her shoulder as she sips from her own thermos. "I was really excited, I've never been to Cali before," she shrugs once more to appear unaffected, but those stunning green eyes are sparkling, selling her out and informing Regina just how ecstatic she truly is.

The blonde nervously rocks between her heels and toes as she stares aimlessly at the staircase. A heavy silence is stretching between them for far too long, clouding over their heads. Maybe this trip will be more awkward due to the lack of communication rather than Regina's persistent harbored feelings.

If Regina takes a moment to think about her past relationship with Emma, she guesses they truly haven't spent that much time together one on one. Obviously, they see each other every day around town, especially when they work side by side, warding off villains and keeping the town safe, but they have never experienced leisure quality time together.

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