Chapter Thirteen

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"Deciding my own fate."

And with that, Emma's silky soft lips press up against Regina's and there is not one coherent thought left in the mayor's mind. So, she obeys her body's instincts and wraps her arms around the tiny waist before her, surrendering to the moment and deepening the kiss.

Emma's slender fingers cling to Regina's cheeks as though she is her rock, keeping her grounded, while she begins walking, persuading Regina's feet to stumble backwards as the blonde frantically kisses her. When the back of Regina's knees connect with a bed, Emma slides one hand behind her head and guides her down onto the mattress. Her warm body follows every inch of Regina's like they are meshed together as one.

The moment Emma presses her body on top of Regina's and her back is sinking into the bed below, they both melt, slowing down the urgency of their pace. And Emma becomes almost timid as her lips delicately drag against Regina's, like she's trying to memorize the shape and texture of her mouth. And she doesn't move to deepen the kiss, so Regina doesn't dare gamble the risk. She's too petrified herself to ruin the moment, so she just lies perfectly still, gently kissing the sheriff like she's the most precious and fragile creature to ever walk the planet.

The room is painfully quiet, so quiet that Regina swears she can hear the air shifting around them. Every so often, there's a small snapping from their lips breaking apart just to meet again with the warm, delicious taste once more. Her heart is pounding viciously in her chest, but she knows Emma's is meeting hers, beat for beat.

Gradually, Emma's fingertips press into her scalp, insinuating that she's craving so much more and inspiring Regina's hands to lightly travel up the woman's firm back. That's when the blonde finally finds the backbone to push for more. Her timid lips break apart, guiding Regina's every step of the way before that velvety tongue dips into her mouth and Regina finally takes the lead.

Swirling. Tasting. Divulging. Memorizing. Exploring. Everything she has wanted for too many years to count.

Emma's secure grip tightens at the nape of Regina's neck as she inhales sharply, breathing the mayor in and kissing her like the brunette is about to disappear beneath her. Emma's warm body slowly rocks on top of Regina's and it's so tentative that Regina swears the woman is seeking permission. So, she presses her fingers deep into Emma's back, silently demanding that she never leaves the position.

Emma's hips thrust forward again, longing for the sensation that will relieve the ache between her thighs and automatically Regina's legs part just as hopeless as her lover is for that serenity that will follow from the glorious friction. A euphoric tingle erupts and spills through Regina's blood like liquid hot magma and it takes every ounce of stamina she possesses in her body to keep from moaning into her mouth. Emma's hardly making a sound, and Regina's too nervous to express anything at this point either, because the woman can easily grow a conscience, fall back to her heels and decide this is far too much.

Just the idea, of having to bite back a moan sends icy chills to prickle against Regina's skin, leaving scattered goosebumps in their wake. However, Emma's pressing into her body again, deepening the kiss like she's stealing the oxygen she needs to breathe and just like that, the bitter chills turn to a flush of heat and she realizes just how hot and sticky this room has become.

Carefully, Regina slows down the desperate kiss, her fingers skating down Emma's back in search of the hem of her tank top. She slowly slides the garment up, allowing her nails to lightly scratch against her back, provoking Emma to squirm a little against her body. Regina smiles into the kiss, discovering that the Savior is in fact ticklish and Emma smiles right back, meeting her gaze.

Emma hardly lifts herself as Regina peels away the shirt and when she lifts the garment over Emma's head, unruly golden tresses cascade all around their faces, creating their own private little bubble. The blonde bends down immediately, reclaiming Regina's lips in a passionate kiss that expresses those few seconds apart were far too long, because they have already wasted eight years and they just won't stand for another minute apart.

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