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The warm morning sun is glowing through the window as the coffee pot drips a steady rhythm and the bacon sizzles in tune. Another Carole King melody is filling the air as Regina cuts up some melons for breakfast and for a brief moment it's peaceful. That is until the sound of shattering glass echoes through the mansion and bounces off the walls with rage.

"Dammit," she mutters under her breath, quickly turning off the stove before rushing into the family room to investigate.

Her six-year-old is staring wide-eyed at her sibling and Regina follows the gaze until she finds her youngest kneeling down in front of a completely smashed vase.

"She did it!" They both shriek in unison when they notice her presence.

"Hailey, please don't move," Regina frantically urges, terrified that her little palms or knees might be inflicted with the shards of glass scattered across the floor.

She hastily flicks her wrist, cleaning up the mess and then she proceeds to fold her arms across her chest, silently demanding that one of them better speak up now. Brown eyes against green in a standoff that Regina knows Hope will win in the end. She's always been the more feisty of the two, whereas Hailey is confident, but she always seems to surrender first when going against her older sister.

Her youngest, who Regina swears is her twin, except for her other mother's stunning eyes, blinks up at her and slowly stands tall. She nervously fiddles with her fingers while she contemplates what her next move is.

"Hope used magic first," Hailey firmly demands, but there's still a twinkle of guilt flashing across her bright green eyes.

"Ugh," Hope lamely protests, crossing her arms across her chest. "You're the one that made the vase fly!"

Both brunettes scowl at each other and for a moment, Regina panics, because what the hell is she going to do when those two are teenagers? They are both far too smart and strong-willed for their own good.

"You know how mommy feels about magic in the house," she firmly recites what both girls know by now. "Hope, what are the rules when it comes to magic?"

She nibbles on her thin bottom lip and rocks anxiously between her feet. "Both mommies have to be there," she sheepishly replies, before Regina directs her attention to her youngest.


"Only magic in the vault," she mumbles, mostly to herself.

"So, please explain to me why you two were using magic, not only in the house, but when mommy and I weren't even here?" She strictly interrogates, causing both girls to squirm under the stern tone.

"I'm sorry, momma," Hailey sincerely whispers, her big doe eyes batting in her direction and instantly melting Regina's heart, but she stays strong.

"I'm sorry too, momma. We were just having fun and the magic started coming out," Hope admits, twirling from side to side as she anxiously waits for her punishment.

"I understand that when you two are excited, the magic inside of you wants to come out, but you two need to learn to calm down. Someone could have been severely hurt," she sadly explains, creating two matching Emma pouts in return.

"Please don't tell mommy! She won't let us do magic anymore," Hope regretfully cries.

"Hope, you know I have to tell mommy." This produces a whimper from both little girls because everyone is well aware of the Savior's distaste with magic at such a young age. "Now, upstairs, in your rooms to clean while you think about what you did."

She escorts both brunettes toward the staircase and watches as Hailey practically crawls up in shame while Hope pounds her little feet against each step. Once they reach the top step, she calls out to them, knowing exactly how those two work.

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