Chapter Twenty

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The funneling whirlwind engulfs Regina and Hook and before they can even inhale their next breath, they find themselves in what seems to be a rundown bedroom. Hook takes the lead, jumping in front of her while she notices over his shoulder, a man, tied up on a bed with a woman in an extravagant pink dress before him. Immediately, she is brought back to her life in the Enchanted Forest and wherever they have just landed resembles her past life.

Without a moment of delay, Hook steps to her right roughly throwing his entire weight to knock one guard over before he jumps to her left knocking the next guard with his elbow before he brutally jabs his sword right through the man's chest. And it's all because she is stunned, her eyes glued to the young man, struggling with his bound wrists on the bed, while the first guard attacks Hook again, but the former pirate quickly runs his blade easily through the man's heart and heaves a breath of relief.

"Get away from him, now," Hook forcefully commands as Regina steps beside him.

"Who are you?" The strange woman interrogates, stepping forward.

"I'm his mother," she growls, her left hand instinctively jutting forward to blast her son's captor with magic.

The woman effortlessly flies through the air and crashes against the far wall, knocking her out cold.

"Good to see you're still in one piece, lad," Hook cheerfully greets Henry, his feet eagerly shuffling forward to help loosen the bonds behind his back.

And Regina stands behind, blinking through her shock at this man before her. Clearly, Hook knows this is Henry and yes, she knows in her heart that he is her son, but...he's a man. He left six weeks ago, her little boy, just graduating from high school and this is just not the same person anymore.

"Thanks, me too," Henry breathes out in relief as Hook slices through the thick ropes trapping her son.

"And am I bloody glad that you sent this," Hook adds on, dangling the message in a bottle up for Henry to see.

"That makes two of us."

Henry and Hook both laugh as they share a grateful, yet, loving hug. Both men slap each other's backs, chuckling in their male bravado while Regina still sits back, observing this man who is supposed to be her son, because her mind cannot fully grasp the concept.

"Mom," Henry sighs, finally turning his attention toward her and she chokes on her words. The emotions building far too quickly to suppress any longer. Her eyes instantly fill with tears, inspecting the strange man before her. "It's okay, I'm fine," he vows, his face suddenly falling, knowing how worried she must be for him.

"Oh Henry, you," she attempts to take a step forward, but somehow her feet are filled with lead. "You grew up," she blurts out through an awkward laugh while her mind reels with so many unanswered questions.

"I did."

"You look good," she softly compliments and finally her feet are moving forward, and her hands are already finding their home upon her son's familiar cheeks. "I just-"

"I know, I know," he sputters, tugging her into a hug that feels strange from his new height and broad shoulders, yet familiar at the same time because he's still, forever her baby boy. "I missed you, too."

"As much as I love hugs and tears, can we do it outside the torture chamber?" Hook sarcastically quips, heading straight for the door.

"Yeah, yeah, but hey, where's my other mom?" Henry suspiciously questions as he pulls away from Regina's loving arms.

Hook abruptly turns around and speaks up before Regina can find her voice. "Emma? Well, she's back in Storybrooke," and her face falls, all those raging feelings of anger come thumping back beneath her skin with vengeance. "She's fighting a swarm of tiny, irritating dragons. Nothing she can't handle," Hook lies through his teeth with that charming smirk plastered across his deceiving stupid pirate face.

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