Chapter Thirty-Three

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The moment they stumble into Emma's room, the sheriff is flipping them around, taking the lead just to ensure that she is the one to lay Regina down gently onto her bed. Regina quickly lifts her leg, pressing her heel into the edge of the mattress to push herself up while Emma's warm body molds perfectly on top of hers. Emma's left hand holds her face into place as she deepens the kiss all while her right hand caresses up Regina's raised thigh until she squeezes some affection into her bottom. They become lost in a sea of passion that's all teeth and tongues as they yearn for more.

However, Regina knows in her frantic beating heart, that all of this needs to slow down if they ever want to make it out of another relationship alive. Her fingers slither underneath blonde, unruly hair and intertwine behind her neck, pulling Emma in for one deep tender kiss that she makes sure to dominate to slow their rhythm down. Emma instantly sighs, the weight of her body slumping on top of Regina's as she succumbs to the passion.

"Emma," she mutters into her lover's mouth, prompting Emma to nod and slowly end their kiss.

"I know," Emma agrees to the wordless request and instantly rolls onto her side. "How about some fresh pajamas for tonight?" She cheerfully offers, pecking Regina's lips once more before she leaps from the bed and rummages through her dressers.

"Thank you." Regina slowly pushes herself off the bed, fluffing out her hair before she accepts the pajamas.

"So, is it safe to assume you never finished watching SVU?" Emma cheekily replies, slowly unbuttoning her jeans, ready to change into her flannel bottoms, and not at all shy after how many nights she has changed in front of Regina during their brief relationship.

Regina smirks to herself before averting her attention to her own attire. "Actually, while I was cursed as Roni-"

"Roni?" Emma abruptly barks out an amused laugh. "We never really discussed your cursed persona. Please, tell me all about this Roni, who has finally broken down your conservative walls and persuaded you to wear jeans," she muses, crawling back onto the bed with a satisfied smirk set into place.

Regina rolls her eyes, folding her clothes and placing them neatly on the nightstand on what seems to be her side of the bed now.

"As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted," she playfully scolds, climbing onto the mattress, beneath the comforter that Emma is so politely holding up for her to sink under. "While I was Roni, I had this crazy urge to watch one episode of SVU a night when I would get off work, before bed."

"So, your mind subconsciously missed our binge nights?" Emma cockily replies, slithering down onto her pillow and turning to face her.

Regina mirrors her action, resting her cheek against her hand upon the pillow. "Or my mind subconsciously missed Olivia Benson," she snottily retorts. "Once I was awakened, I had a hard time finding the courage to continue watching."

"How far did you get?"

"Season five."

"Good season, who am I kidding, they're all good," she chuckles lightly, creating a loving smile to slip across Regina's face as well. "So, tell me about the curse."

"That's a long story, Henry told you most of it, didn't he?"

"He did, but he neglected to inform me of this Roni woman."

"Hmmm, it seems our son knows what's best for him."

Emma smiles from ear to ear and Regina can just see how genuinely happy she is in the moment. All too quickly, Emma's leg is scooting beneath the covers and slithering in between Regina's. She raises one eyebrow at the blonde, silently expressing that she is all too aware of the bold move, but the quirky woman just continues smiling as though this is all too normal again.

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