Chapter Twenty-Seven

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She might as well have swallowed a pile of rocks from the added weight pressing into her gut this morning. She couldn't sleep last night. She couldn't eat this morning, not even a cup of coffee or a sip of water. A foul bitter taste is constantly tickling the back of her throat and filling her mouth with too much saliva which has left her nauseous all morning.

Her heels click viciously against the cheap tile below, in sync with her erratic heart thumping in her chest and what feels like her ears as well. She needed her heels this morning to create the illusion of power, authority and calmness even though she is a hot mess inside.

"Regina," Emma sighs in relief as she hears the familiar stilettos rounding the corner.

Brown eyes immediately trail down to the car seat beside Emma's feet. She can't see Hope from the angle, just the bulky car seat with the canopy up to shield her from their surroundings.

"Emma," she politely greets, even though her tongue is swelling in her mouth and she's practically choking on thin air.

"Perfect timing, Whale's ready for us," Emma informs her as she bends down and swoops her arm through the carrier, lifting Hope right off the ground.

Not a sound is made, so Regina suspects there is a sleeping little girl curled up in the car seat as she follows Emma down the hall. A new wave of anxiety crashes into her body like a semi barreling down an interstate with no intentions to stop for the car in front of it. She swallows back the acid slithering up her throat and fights every instinct that's clawing beneath her skin to lash out irrationally.

There's nobody to actually blame for the unfortunate circumstance she has found herself in and there's really nothing she can actually do, but maybe release some fireballs to ease the tension. She just has to be patient and follow the doctor's instructions and try not to show her insecurities.

Whale is at the other end of the hall, holding a door open for them to enter and luckily, his face is impassive. They step inside and Emma immediately places Hope's car seat onto an exam table. And Regina's eyes are instantly drawn to the baby fast asleep in the carrier.

Hope's soft little hairs are swept to one side of her olive-toned face. Her little nostrils are flaring as she breathes through some dream that has her long dark lashes fluttering in her sleep. She's gently sucking on her butterfly pacifier that is pressing into her chubby cheeks.

Regina's heart pounds so hard she fears it might burst just watching this precious little girl sleep so soundly. It's near the end of August now and still quite warm, so Emma has her dressed in an adorable light green tank top that's actually a onesie with little ruffles upon her shoulders. Hope still appears to be warm by her flushed cheeks, so maybe that's why Emma opted out of shorts to complete her outfit.


"Hmmm?" She blinks away her wandering thoughts to find Whale and Emma studying her intently, expectedly waiting for something that she clearly missed out on.

"Would you like to start?" Whale questions with one skeptical eyebrow crawling up his high forehead.

"Of course," she clears her throat and steps forward as he begins unwrapping two long sticks with cotton swabs at the end.

"Open wide," he smirks, and she cannot control the involuntary eye roll that springs to life. "I always wanted to say that to you."

"I may be the Queen of these realms, but I am not above tossing a fireball at your face."

"Would you like to be thrown across this room, yet again?" Emma deadpans, glaring at the scummy doctor and folding her arms in the most intimidating way.

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