Chapter Three

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The oceanfront hotel that she and Emma chose together was only twenty-five minutes away from the airport, but with all the crammed traffic, honking and flooding the streets, the drive ended up being over an hour long.

The elegant red brick against the cream stone back drop is breathtakingly beautiful as they walk through the grand entryway. Her eyes immediately shift toward her son, wondering if he's old enough to appreciate the elaborate building or if this is something his eyes will just mindlessly sweep over.

"Moms," Henry gasps, shrugging his backpack even higher onto his broad shoulder, "...this must have cost a fortune."

She smiles proudly at her son's inquisitive eyes while Emma nudges her elbow against his. "Don't worry about it, kid. It's your graduation trip and you deserve this. We are so proud of you. How the hell did you manage top of your class while fighting all those..." Emma pauses, her eyes scanning the area before she lowers her voice, "uh, criminals."

"Did you really think mom would accept anything else?" He chuckles as his eyes crawl toward his brunette mother.

There's a mix of emotions in his eyes when they meet hers. Gratitude is the most prominent emotion flickering across those dark green eyes and she knows in this moment, that he's absolutely thankful for all her attention to his schoolwork. She flashes him a broad smile, hoping it explains just how proud and honored she is to be his mother, but then there's a glint of something else sparkling in his eyes and she can't help but think it's fear.

Her mouth pops open to question this expression of uncertainty, but Emma is quickly, and unknowingly interrupting. "You're right. Regina, I'm actually surprised you didn't make him bring his homework in the Underworld."

"She did," Henry flatly replies, creating a warm flush to tingle up Regina's chest and land upon her cheeks.

"What? You actually made the kid do homework?" Emma blinks in surprise before turning toward their son. "How come I didn't see you doing any of it?"

"I was embarrassed, so I hid in the loft at night when I was working on it."

Emma barks out an obnoxious laugh just as they enter the hotel. "Only you, Regina, would focus on mathematics and geometry when we are facing Hades, the God of the Underworld himself."

"You bite your tongue, Emma. If it weren't for my constant dedication to his education, he might have failed high school and ended up as your deputy by default."

"Hey, there are far worse things than being my Deputy."

Regina narrows her eyes at the blonde, effectively causing the sheriff to squirm under the scrutiny. She hums in response while rolling her eyes and decides to change the subject altogether.

"Let's check in."


"Moms, this suite is awesome!" Henry enthusiastically praises the moment they step inside.

Eggshell walls, along with white couches creates the illusion of modern decor, but the accent colors of ocean blue help remind the guests that they are in fact, on a beach. The main living space is complete with an elaborate couch and recliner facing a flat screen television, that Regina hopes they won't find any use with.

"So, there are two bedrooms," Emma states as they carry their luggage into the living room. She peeks inside the first room to the left, a smile stretching wide across her dainty lips and nods for Henry to look inside. "This one is your room."

Henry's grin cracks across his cheeks as he dashes into the master bedroom. "Whoa, moms, this is amazing. You can't be serious," he rambles, inspecting the extravagant room decorated in soft blues with a balcony peering out onto the beach down below. "What about you two? I think you deserve this room."

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