Chapter Thirty-Two

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The faint sounds of whimpering resonates somewhere in her mind, but her greatest concern is the amount of heat she is suffocating in. The thick humidity is clinging to the air and throbbing all around her, forcing a panic to startle her awake.

She glances down to her right to discover Hope wrestling in her sleep. Her cheeks are stained a deep crimson that makes even Regina's brightest apples appear dull. Her thin pale lips are chapped and parted as she breathes through her mouth because of her stuffy nose. The little ends of her dark tresses are damp and clinging to her face and that's when Regina fully commits to waking up and quickly scoops her baby into her arms.

As she's sliding up in bed, she notices Emma's long limbs entangled with her legs, swirling together in a beautiful mess of confusion. She furrows her brows and gapes at the inappropriate closeness as Hope whimpers and cuddles further into her chest.

"Ssshhh, honey," she whispers and slowly crawls out of bed, conscious not to disturb Emma.

She glances at the alarm clock on the nightstand before her feet hit the ground and finds that it's just after seven and even though she knows Emma doesn't have work today, she still feels compelled to call off, so they can both take care of Hope. Obviously, they will need to bring her into the doctor today.

She sneaks across the bedroom and slips out the door just as Hope is slowly waking up. Those curious brown eyes blink up at her, still glossy from the sickness festering inside. She quietly enters her baby's room and picks out a new pair of pajamas and a fresh diaper before tiptoeing downstairs.

Quietly, she lays Hope down on the couch and changes her soaked pajamas and rather dry diaper for sleeping through the night. Which is now another concern of hers, wondering if maybe Hope is dehydrated.

"Come on, honey, let's see if you'll eat some oatmeal this morning," she softly whispers, resting Hope on her hip and carrying her into the kitchen.

"Okay, are we thinking apple or banana this morning?" She cheerfully questions, settling her down into her high-chair and strapping her in securely.

She swiftly makes her way around Emma's kitchen, preparing a pot of coffee while simultaneously calling her secretary to inform her that she will not be coming into the office today and instructing her on what needs to be accomplished. She then proceeds to whip up a bottle and some banana oatmeal for Hope.

She finally sinks into the seat in front of Hope's high-chair and attempts to feed her. However, there's a full pout upon her lips, just like her blonde mother's permanent frown which only provokes Regina's mouth to turn down as well. Those big brown eyes are still glossy and red-rimmed from all the tears she shed last night.

"Okay, baby girl," she joyfully says, flying the spoon through the air toward her mouth, but this action only seems to deepen Hope's frown. "Just a little bite, Hope," she softly encourages, inspiring her daughter's bottom lip to quiver and her eyes to swell with tears.

She sighs heavily and places the spoon back in the bowl. "Okay, how about your bottle?" She offers, snatching up the bottle and pressing it to her lips. Yet, Hope instantly turns her cheek to the bottle and squeezes her eyes shut.

"Hey," Emma's groggy voice startles Regina. "Sorry, I didn't hear you two get up," she meekly says as she shuffles into the room, but Regina just waves her off while the sheriff kisses Hope on the forehead. "She's still burning up."

"I know," she sighs and eyes her daughter intently, "she refuses to eat too."

"She won't even drink her bottle?" Emma shockingly inquires while preparing herself a cup of coffee.

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