Chapter Twenty-Two

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"So, Queen of the United Realms," Snow sings as she waltzes through the mayor's office door, "what do you have in mind for all the different realms?"

"For some strange reason, I prefer Mayor Mills," Regina corrects her friend, her hand still furiously scratching the pen away against a notepad.

"That's fine," Snow flippantly replies and easily slips into the seat across from the queen. "What are you so angrily scribbling down?" She questions, leaning across the desk, provoking brown eyes to snap up in her direction.

"You know, I like your hair much better this way than that pixie cut," Regina kindly praises, her eyes taking in those inky tresses that now rest upon Snow's shoulders.

"Thanks," she mindlessly says because her eyes are busy shifting all around the sheet Regina is dutifully working on. "Emma, David, Killian Jones, Captain Nook, Wish Henry, Henry Mills...Tink, Mulan?" Her voice reaching a higher pitch with each name she reads until she reaches the end of the list. "What are these names for?"

"We have a lot of realms now under one authority, but I think we still need people in charge of each area," she begins to explain.

"So, like a sheriff for each realm?" The former princess curiously questions, snatching the sheet right from under Regina's nose.

"Well, yes," she nervously answers, leaning forward to sneak another peek at her work as too many insecurities of failure ring loudly in the back of her mind.

"So, how would all this work?"

"I was thinking there would be a sheriff below me, who would be in charge of the deputies that would be in charge of each of their own sections, and they would have their own teams to keep everything in line."

"Meaning each realm would have their own police force with one deputy in charge that reports back to the main sheriff?"

"Basically, does it make sense?" She meekly inquires, fiddling frantically with the pen in hand while she waits for her friend to answer.

And yes, Regina has been in charge before, holding authority and demanding respect, but this...well, this is the first time that she is actually elected and not forcing people to follow her lead. She certainly doesn't want to screw up a damn thing and she wants the people to know they made the correct choice when choosing her.

"Yes, of course. I think you will need that, especially with the Enchanted Forest and Neverland here, there are many thieves out there," Snow reveals, lowering her voice as she offers the piece of paper back.

"I know."

"Have you asked Emma about accepting the role as sheriff with a newborn?"

Her eyes immediately flick to big green doe eyes that are already watching her carefully with a tiny little smirk twitching at the corner of her mouth. "I beg your pardon?" Snow rolls her eyes dramatically and scoffs right in Regina's face. "What makes you assume that I have chosen Emma?"

"Please," Snow practically snorts, provoking Regina to narrow her eyes and hastily straighten her posture. "Okay, beside the fact that Emma is already sheriff of Storybrooke, and the simple fact that she's the Savior, and most trustworthy, she's also your closest confidante."

"You must grow dizzy from constantly holding that big head of yours up so high."

"Ah, snarky reply, you must know I am right," Snow teases right back and Regina decides rolling her eyes is a sufficient enough reply for her friend. She hates being under Snow's scrutiny, so she stares back down at her work and continues writing. "So, who are you assigning where?" She thankfully changes the subject.

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