Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Yes, Tink," she exasperates into the phone, tumbling into her home after a long and trying day at work. "Yes, it's absolutely necessary that you and Killian patrol twenty-four-seven in Neverland-" and the fairy cuts her off immediately, complaining about how it's too much work for just the two of them. "Tink, you bring in a Lost Boy, at least once a day for vandalism or petty theft, it needs to be done. Why don't you ask Emma if you could borrow Leroy to help out? We don't need that many people patrolling in Storybrooke."

"Of course, you gave Emma and your son the easiest town," Tink scoffs into the phone while Regina rolls her eyes in annoyance.

"Emma has a lot to deal with, don't forget every time a Deputy brings someone in, it's to Storybrooke, and Emma has to deal with the end result."

"I guess," the fairy mumbles, never wanting to admit when Regina is right. 

"Call Emma and ask for Leroy's help. I'm fine with the shift change if she is," she instructs, but then her phone suddenly vibrates, informing her that she has yet another phone call. "I really have to go, I have another call. I will speak to you soon, Tink."

"Alright, bye Regina."

She quickly answers the other call, just barely catching Snow's name across the screen. "Hello-"

"Regina, thank god," her friend breathes far too heavily into the phone while there are heart breaking sobs in the background.

"Snow? What's wrong?" She quickly investigates, clenching the phone closer to her ear, and waiting for an explanation as her heart beats a little faster in fear.

"Neal, he's so sick. He's running a high fever and cannot keep a thing down. I need to take him in to the doctor, but I have Hope and she really shouldn't be here right now. I don't want her catching whatever he has."

"Okay," she slowly drags out the word, mindlessly clenching the phone even tighter because she has a fairly good idea as to where the phone call is headed.

"Emma's at work," Snow blurts out before Regina even has a chance to question her.

"What about Hook?"

"He's patrolling Neverland right now."

"Uh, and your husband?"

"He's coming with me to the hospital and besides, like I said before, Hope shouldn't be in this house."

"Tell Emma it's fine, she can leave and call in Henry."

"That would be all well and good, if she would answer her damn phone!"

"What do you want from me?" Regina skeptically questions even though her skin is prickling, and her palms are growing clammier by the second and she knows exactly what her friend is requesting.

"Please watch her for me," Snow begs before a violent sob seeps through the phone, effectively breaking Regina's heart for little Neal.

"You really think Emma and Hook would be fine with that?" She suspiciously questions.

"Yes, of course. I know for a fact," her friend vehemently swears as though she already confirmed this insane plan with them. "Please, come pick her up," she whines, instantly bringing Regina back to the days when the princess was just a small child herself.

"I don't have a car seat," she lamely declines, and she swears she can actually hear Snow's eyes rolling through the line.

"You have magic! Magic one!" She snaps, completely catching her off guard.

Regina slowly pulls the phone away from her ear and stares dumbfounded at the device. Snow must really be panicking for her to lash out at the queen in such a hostile tone.

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