Chapter Thirty

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"All set to pick up Hope tonight?"

Regina's phone buzzes at exactly eight o'clock in the morning and she can only assume that Emma already dropped off Hope and is entering the station right now. She carefully sets down her coffee and picks up the device, her fingers anxiously typing away.

"Yes, I started work a little early this morning so I can get off a little earlier and have more time with her."

She nervously sets down her phone and of course, she shouldn't feel an anxious buzz swimming through her veins. Hope is her daughter too and she has every right to pick her up early from Ashley's daycare, but then again, Emma has custody, the ball is in her court and she can so easily deny the request.

"Alright, please make sure you text Ashley so she's aware. I'll be by at seven to pick her up."

"I will inform Ashley now. Thanks again."

Of course, the sheriff doesn't respond, because she's still bitter about their little quarrel Sunday night. Regina takes one deep calming breath and tries her very best to bite her tongue. She tosses the phone across the desk and continues through the ignorant emails from ridiculous citizens.

She understands that they are True Loves and she fully comprehends that they will not fully be satisfied in any other relationship besides each other, but what Emma needs to grasp, is that she is just not ready to jump into a serious relationship after everything they have been through. Hope should be their main priority; trying to co-parent in a healthy environment for her, helping her feel comfortable with the new change, and adjusting her to a new bedroom at Regina's house.

"Hey sis," Zelena cheerfully explodes as she waltzes through the door, completely taking Regina by surprise.

"Zelena," she gasps, taking a steady breath to calm her erratic heart from the sudden shock. "What are you doing here?"

"I just dropped by to formally congratulate you, I heard through the grapevine the test results came in, and you are the father," she taunts with an all too malicious smirk tugging around her mouth.

"Shut up," she growls, dropping her gaze to the keyboard as her sister drops her bottom into the seat across from the desk, provoking irritation to spread through Regina's veins like prickly needles.

"Is that not the appropriate term?" Zelena comments, portraying dumb so terribly.

"Knock it off. Hope has two mothers."

"I would have assumed you were the more feminine, between you and the sheriff, but apparently I am human too and just this once I guess I can admit defeat and proudly state when I am wrong," her sister condescendingly continues with her irrelevant rambling.

"The day Emma Swan is known for being more feminine than me, is the day I die. Plain and simple," she firmly declares, scrolling through the long list of emails filled with stupidity.

"Then please, do explain how you managed to knock up the Savior and then abandon her."

She growls under her breath and grits her teeth, encouraging the magic to settle back down and not blast her annoying sister across the room.

"First of all, I did not abandon her. I thought Hope was Hook's. And if you must know, many, many, years ago, I drank a potion to ensure that I would never bear a child because I could not stand the thought of mother corrupting my child. Apparently, the combination of true love's magic found a loop hole in my curse, allowing me to create a child so long as another woman carries for me. Enter, Hope."

"Fascinating," Zelena breathes, gawking at her like she's some peculiar magical item that just appeared out of thin air. "Well, I'm happy I have a niece. I cannot wait to spoil her rotten and hype her up on sugar just to send her back home to you."

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