Chapter Ten

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Regina and Emma promised Henry at least one night of camping since neither of them have ever taken him when he was younger. So, they went out and bought the cheapest tents, sleeping bags, and whatever other supplies the trip requires because they weren't about to haul all the new stuff back to Storybrooke.

Emma drove the Jeep up a long and winding beaten path, made up of dirt and rocks to the top of a mountain. Homes, along with tiny shops, were scattered all around the mountain side for tourists and other camping guests. Henry had chosen this particular spot because of the hiking ratings on an app, apparently, it's one of the most popular family camping trails.

The baby blue sky stretches on for eternity as they climb the side of the mountain, not one cloud to dampen their day. The sun is streaming down at just the right angle, illuminating the blonde beside Regina and portraying her friend like some angel from above. Discreetly, she reaches into the center cup holder and at a snail like pace, steals the woman's phone, smirking maliciously to nobody but herself. Very casually, not to draw any attention to herself, she lifts the phone and pretends to check the time. When in reality, she sneaks a picture of Emma slumped against the door, relaxing with a giant goofy grin slapped across her face while she drives with the sun beating down around her.

Emma Swan is at peace and Regina finds herself staring a lot longer than she initially intended because she's in awe at the woman's natural beauty. She just wishes Emma could be this version of herself when they cross that town line leading them back into her unfortunate destiny.

"This looks like a good spot," Emma acknowledges out loud as she slowly turns the steering wheel toward her destination.

"Can we just camp anywhere?" Regina curiously questions.

"Oh yeah," Henry enthusiastically chimes in, leaning into the back of her seat. "This whole side is for camping and hiking," he claims, unclipping his seat belt and eagerly hopping right out of the Jeep.

"This is a perfect spot, nice and flat," Emma adds on as she pops open her car door.

Regina follows her lead, exiting the vehicle, and walking around back to unload their equipment. Henry manages to balance most of the brunt work for his mothers while Regina follows behind with a cooler and Emma stacks the firewood in her arms.

"This is going to be so much fun. You nervous, mom?" Henry questions over his shoulder, recklessly dropping everything he is carrying to the grass below before he kneels down.

"Why would I be nervous?" She inquires, kneeling down beside him to help him unpack the first tent.

"No offense, Regina, but you don't seem like the outdoorsy kinda girl," Emma proclaims, unwrapping another tent as well.

"Seriously? Are you two forgetting that I grew up in the Enchanted Forest?" Henry and Emma both share a knowing look which only infuriates the former queen. "You two are the ones that grew up pampered, with indoor plumping, electricity, television, internet, video games and fast food just to mention a few," she bitterly rambles off as annoyance builds inside of her from their accusations.

"Okay mom, but maybe after living here for over thirty years, maybe you've grown accustomed to this lifestyle and kind of...abandoned your roots?" Henry timidly suggests, knowing damn well she won't be happy with his view on her.

"Absolutely not, I know where I came from and I'm not ignorant to a world outside of plumbing and electricity," she rebuttals, hastily snatching up the poles to the tent and quickly snapping them into place.

"It's not a bad thing, Regina. You just prefer your high heels, sleek dresses and makeup, there's nothing wrong with that."

"Okay, Miss Swan, after you finish that tent, please demonstrate for us how to build a fire and no lighters allowed," she sternly commands.

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