Chapter Thirty-One

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The last three months have flown by in a blink of an eye from how eventful each passing day has become. Even though she and Emma are excelling in co-parenting, there's no denying that awful tension that is still crackling between them like Fourth of July sparklers. Yet, they still manage to ignore the tension and focus on Hope whenever need be.

One week after Regina started taking Hope on the weekends was the first time she crawled and luckily both mothers were present.

"I made copies of all those photos, so you can take these when you leave." Regina nods toward the pile of albums upon the coffee table as she carefully watches Hope rock on her hands and knees.

"Alright," Emma absentmindedly agrees, packing up her breast milk and searching for Hope's favorite pacifier. Thankfully, there's not much else that they transfer between them, now that Regina has purchased everything she needs for her house.

Regina observes intently how Hope's right hand steadily lifts off the ground and proceeds just a little closer in her direction. On pure instinct, Regina holds her breath, waiting impatiently for her daughter's next move. Hope concentrates hard, staring with determination at a fluffy monkey that's a few inches in front of her.

"Emma," Regina hisses under her breath, cautious not to disturb her baby's concentration.

"What?" Emma tosses over her shoulder, not truly paying attention to either brunettes on the floor.

"Look," she whispers just as Hope slides her knees across the blanket.

Emma spins around just in time to witness Hope making her first true movement forward in crawling. "Oh my god," her ex gasps with the goofiest grin slapped across her face. "Where's my phone?" She mutters to herself, persuading Regina's eyes to flick up to find the woman frantically checking her pockets. "Where the hell is my phone?"

"Emma, look at her go," Regina gushes as Hope finds the courage to crawl just a little closer to the monkey. Regina slowly drags the toy back, encouraging her baby to continue. "Come on, Hope, you're doing so well, baby girl," she softly coos, wiggling the stuffed animal for motivation.

"Dammit, Regina make her wait, I can't find my phone," Emma anxiously says, digging through the bottle bag.

"What the hell do you expect me to do?" She sarcastically quips, still in a soft and gentle tone for their baby's sake.

"I don't know...stall her," Emma frantically cries, searching all around the ground for her phone.

"I can't stall her, that would be discouraging."

"I need to record this, push her down!"

"You're an idiot," Regina comments, waving her hand through the air and materializing her own phone into Emma's hand.

Emma rushes to her side, sinking down to the floor to lie upon her stomach, the phone outstretched in front of her, ready to go.

"Come on Hope," Emma enthusiastically cheers through a smile threatening to split her face right in half.

"Come on, baby girl, you're doing so well. Come get your monkey," she softly encourages, forcing the stuffed animal to dance happily in front of her. Their daughter knits her eyebrows painfully together as she focuses on her prize. "That's exactly the face you make before you blast someone with magic," she whispers into Emma's side.

"Really?" Emma chuckles lightly, but her eyes remain glued to their daughter. "I see you, with that cocky smirk, fully proud of yourself," she accuses through an amused laugh.

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