Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The warm morning sun is just peeking over the horizon, casting a beautiful shade of pink to paint the entire room. It's been one month of that familiar heat waking her up in the most glorious way and she's still not accustomed to how wonderful moments like these truly are.

She still can't believe that after everything they have been through; from the first year of Emma showing up unexpectedly in Storybrooke to ruin her life, to Neverland where they came together as mothers. From their time in the Underworld, through Emma's marriage, California and even Regina's cursed persona as Roni, they found their way back into each other's arms.

It's a type of love that Regina only dreamed of with Daniel and found with the one person she never suspected. Emma knows her in ways that she never allowed anyone else to see and she can say with conviction, that Regina loves who she, herself is, when she's safe in their own little bubble. For once in her life, she can breathe.

"Sleep," Emma grumbles into the curve of her neck, her hot breath coating Regina's skin and causing her to squirm the slightest. "I can hear you thinking."

"I'm sorry," she whispers, pivoting in her girlfriend's arms, so that their noses are just barely kissing.

A lazy smile creeps across Emma's sleepy features, melting Regina's heart like an ice cream cone on a blazing hot summer day. Those green eyes are still peacefully closed, so Regina takes a minute to admire those adorable, yet, sexy freckles scattered across her girlfriend's nose. She itches to kiss every last one of them.

"The party is gonna be perfect," Emma mumbles, her sultry voice still thick with sleep.

"I know."

Gradually, those thick eyelashes flutter open, forcing her to squint until she's acclimated to the morning sun. Regina smiles back at her, but her girlfriend frowns in return.

"What's wrong?" Emma asks with concern evident in her tone.

"Nothing's wrong, per say."

Those long talented fingers slither into the minimal space between them, sneaking beneath Regina's silk nightgown and traveling up her thigh until Emma's warm palm is possessively gripping her hip.

"Talk," she simply urges.

"Well, I'm still trying to sort out what Blue told us-"

"Which wasn't much," Emma scowls, her grip automatically tightening against her hip bone from her irritations.

"No, she was just as clueless as we are about magic babies, but have you thought about what she suggested?" Regina meekly inquires, because it's Emma's body and ultimately her choice, but she is curious as to where her girlfriend lands on the subject.

Emma inhales sharply through her nose and even though the action is so subtle, Regina still notices her sucking a piece of the inside of her lip between her teeth. She squeezes her eyes shut for a moment and she's either trying to figure out an answer or she has one and is terrified to clue Regina in on the matter.

"Em," she whispers, inspiring those sleepy eyes to pop open and meet her loving gaze. She tenderly curls her golden locks in disarray behind her ear and sweeps the rest behind her back. "Please, be honest."

"I know," Emma murmurs before taking one deep breath. "Regina, I love you so much and finally, in every inch of my heart and soul, I know I am where I need to be. I have never in my life felt so safe and secure and it has everything to do with the way you love me."


"No, buts, I am so in love with you and I at least want one more baby of yours." Those green eyes express how petrified she is to admit her hopes for the future and her grasp tightens on Regina's hip even further from her anxiety. "I want to experience the whole pregnancy and birth with you, I want another chance, but most of all I want you to experience everything."

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