Chapter Four

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Thick, sticky, insufferable heat clings to her body like a second skin, forcing her legs to kick away the thin linen clinging to her skin. A soft snoring from the other side of the room catches her attention in that moment, persuading her sleepy eyes to drift toward the noise.

Emma's blonde mane is a mess, tossed hazardously across her pillows, burying her face in a sea of golden tresses. Regina's mind flicks back to the only time she has ever slept near the other woman and it was in Neverland. She doesn't ever remember her snoring, but then again Emma wasn't able to sleep a wink from the sorrowful cries of lost boys.

At the time, Regina was so focused on saving Henry that she didn't think to ever offer the woman comfort. She was still on her high horse back then, struggling to fight against her own inner demons and she refused to appear weak or show any emotion, especially toward the sheriff. Now, she is fully aware that she ended up screwing herself over in the end, because she sat on the sidelines, hanging onto her pride while Neal and Hook were fighting for Emma's love and attention. That should have been her time to swoop in and actually become Emma's friend, so she could make sly comments about the two idiots and they could both laugh at their childish ways.

Instead, she is forced to watch Emma every day parading around with a man that never deserved her time or attention, let alone her love. And from what Snow has been gushing about for the past month or so, Regina is fairly certain she will be forced to watch the happy couple create a child together and a part of her aches to know that Emma will raise a child without her. There's something intimate about sharing a child and raising them with another parent. It's a type of bond that settles in the heart and could never be ripped away.

She understands that she has no right or claim on Emma Swan, but they do share a special connection because of Henry and soon the woman will share that bond with someone else. A part of Regina wishes to be somewhere far away when that situation plays itself out.

"Good morning," Emma's scratchy morning voice tears through Regina's inappropriate thoughts and fills her heart with a whole new appreciation for the woman. She's not sure how this woman can be so sexy and so adorable all at the same time.


"How do you feel?" Emma questions, stretching her long limbs until they are peeking out of the sheets.

"Perfectly fine," she vows, observing as her friend curls onto her side to offer her full attention.

Emma slips one hand between her cheek and the soft pillow as a lazy grin plays at her lips. "I'm glad," she mumbles, appearing to still be in a sleepy haze.

Regina remains on her back though, staring aimlessly at the white ceiling above, because she knows if she turns to meet that sappy gaze, she will melt all over. So, she settles for small little glances out of her peripheral, hoping Emma doesn't uncover her secret.

"Should we take Henry out for breakfast this morning?" She inquires, her fingers nervously tapping against her stomach.

"Mmm-I'm fine with a bagel," Emma hums, her body scooting closer toward the edge of the bed. "What's on your itinerary today?"

"I assumed Henry would want to relax his first day here, so I only scheduled one college tour today, but that isn't until three o'clock."

"Good, because I'm feeling extra lazy today," she groans, inching her way closer toward Regina's bed and if she isn't careful, she will tumble right off her own bed.

"Moms!" Henry barges into their room with his nose buried in his phone. He clambers on top of Emma's bed, settling at the foot while his finger continues to scroll. "I was thinking maybe today we could go to the Santa Monica Pier. There's so much to do, the beach, restaurants, arcade and even rides."

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