Chapter Eight

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The warm sun is beating down on her back, staining her skin with a new pink hue as she lies on her stomach on an extra fluffy towel. She's not certain how long they have been out on the beach this afternoon, but her eyelids are growing heavy and her mind is dancing on the edge of dreamland and reality.


"Hey," she groans right back, her voice hoarse from the lack of water and from teetering on the verge of sleep.

"So, are we good?" Emma quickly rushes her sentence out into one long word.

"Just fine," she mumbles, never once opening her tired eyes to meet the worrisome gaze that she knows is beating down upon her.

Off in the distance, waves slowly roll to shore in a rhythmic song that helps wash away the tension forming in her shoulders. In the background, she can hear cheerful giggles from children laughing and playing in the sand while the seagulls swarm above. Time ticks by and she is so thankful that Emma is choosing not to press the issue from last night, even though she was the one who shut Regina out.

"It just doesn't feel like you're fine," Emma abruptly blurts out, producing a heavy sigh to escape from Regina's lips.

"Why does it matter what I feel? You made it very clear last night, Miss Swan, that you do not want to discuss whatever it is that you are keeping bottled up inside," she quips without ever opening her eyes.

"Miss Swan, again? Okay, obviously you're pissed," the sheriff mutters under her breath, but she must be very close now because Regina can hear every word, every breath pouring from those soft pink lips.

"I'm not pissed, Emma, but if you continue disturbing my rest, then yes, you will have successfully pissed me off," she growls so low that she can feel her own vibrations against the sand.

Emma falls silent yet again and Regina sighs, knowing she can rest again.

Henry has found himself enveloped in a conversation between a young girl and boy who seem to be around his age. When Regina had first saw them speaking about an hour ago, she couldn't tell if the strangers were a couple or brother and sister, but either way, she's happy that he has found some people his own age to speak with for the day. She's sure he is growing bored of his two mothers always hovering around.

She squirms against the plush towel and admires the way the sun is kissing her skin, relaxing every tense muscle in her body. Her mind slowly starts to slip away again, dragging through the recent memories they have created on the trip, causing her eyelids to grow even heavier.

"I just don't want you to be mad at me on this trip, we should be enjoying our time for Henry's sake," Emma weakly whines, popping Regina's bubble of endless dreams and dragging her right back to reality.

She groans, loudly, to clarify that the Savior has officially pissed her off. She slams her palms against the towel, slowly pushing herself up until she rests on her elbows. Her head quickly snaps in the blonde's direction, causing a few dark strands to tumble out from her sloppy bun that's piled high upon her head.

"What do you want from me, Emma? What? I'm trying to relax and enjoy the sun. Henry's off making friends and enjoying the ocean, so we don't need to put up a front right now for him." The woman's mouth pops open to argue back, but Regina pushes on, ignoring her completely. "I thought we were friends now and could count on one another to discuss freely what's truly bothering us? But clearly, I am very wrong if you couldn't even talk to me last night without lashing out and acting like a petulant child."

"It's not like that-"

"Then what is it, Emma? Because right now you are really trying my patience. You say you don't want to discuss it, but you refuse to drop the matter. So, what, Emma?"

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