Chapter Twenty-Six

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There's a bitter sharp bite to the wind as she follows Hook down the streets of Storybrooke, back to his shared house with Emma. She should know better by now that it's not just the cool evening breeze that's causing the cruel icy bite, but instead a foreshadowing of what's to come once she steps foot in the Swan-Jones' home.

She's dreading the conversation, to the point where her anxiety is actually making her stomach twist and turn into knots not even the pirate can tie. She's swallowing down the large mass of fear swelling in the back of her throat, but that action is only causing more nausea. Her muscles are quivering involuntarily and for a moment, she believes her worst moment in life, the one where Emma Swan sat by and watched her vomit uncontrollably on that airplane, is about to occur all over again. Except this time, it's worse because it will be Hook watching her.

They climb the wooden porch leading up to the house and Regina remains a few steps behind him, so he doesn't notice the trembling buzzing from her body. He pauses just before he opens the front door, persuading her eyes to finally look up from the ground and scrutinize how he knocks instead of unlocking the door and walking right in.

Her brows furrow from the confusion and just as her mouth pops open to question the peculiar act, Emma swings open the front door. She smiles at first, but when her eyes flick to her former friend lingering behind her husband, her face falls.

Hope is cradled comfortably against Emma's chest in one arm, drinking her bottle, while Emma's other hand is clenching the doorknob so tight, she's effectively cut off all blood circulation through her fingers.

"Uh..." is all that tumbles from the blonde's mouth that's hanging agape.

"We need to talk," Hook sternly informs her, encouraging the sheriff's feet to shuffle backwards and grant them permission inside.

Which Regina still finds rather odd considering they share the home.

Regina gently closes the door behind herself, not wanting to disturb the sleepy baby peacefully drinking her bottle. Emma's eyes suspiciously bounce from her husband's to former lover's, repeatedly as she waits for someone to explain the sudden reunion.

"Uh, I guess we can take a seat in the living room?" Emma meekly suggests, so unsure of what to say or how to approach the situation, but Regina is right there with her, feeling exactly the same way.

"I don't believe it's appropriate that I am here," she suddenly blurts out, feeling the need to voice her opinion before she glances back at the former pirate, "but he demanded that I come."

"Killian," Emma warns, her tone growing colder and more accusing as her eyes narrow, but he simply shakes his head.

"No, enough. I can't go on like this. It ends tonight," he assertively declares, marching straight into the living room and flicking on the lights. "Take a seat, Regina," he sternly commands and by his tone, she knows there's no room for argument and something in her gut is telling her to sit down and listen to what needs to be said.

She quietly claims a seat at the far end of Emma's long, silky, grey couch, practically becoming one with the armrest while Emma sinks down onto the opposite end, resting Hope's head on the armrest. Hook stands in front of the fireplace, pacing like a madman as he sorts through his thoughts. And Regina notices right away how Emma busies herself with Hope; tracing her soft cheek and button nose, studying her like she's never really seen her before, ultimately turning Regina's insides to mush.

"Emma, would you like to start?" Hook offers, tearing those glistening green eyes away from her baby girl to meet his stoic gaze.

They peer into each other's eyes, holding a silent conversation for a brief moment before Emma nods curtly. She doesn't take her eyes off her husband when she says, "I've been trying to explain everything, but you won't listen." Regina's eyes flick between the couple because she's not entirely sure who Emma is speaking to, yet. "Regina," she swallows thickly and finally turns just a tiny bit to face her, "there is just no way Killian is Hope's father."

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