Chapter Nineteen

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"Are you still coming by tonight?" Emma's message lights up Regina's phone while she attempts to focus on the last little bit of work she needs to accomplish.

Yet, she's smiling down at the device like an idiot and without truly comprehending her actions, she is snatching it up, her fingers rapidly dancing across the screen.

"I will be there after work, I should be leaving here around five. Are you cooking tonight?"

She hardly has even a minute to herself before her sheriff is messaging back.

"No, I'm too tired tonight to cook. I just stopped at the store after work, but I'm leaving now and I just want to relax."

"Alright, well I can stop at Granny's on the way to your house. Would you like a burger and onion rings again?" She questions knowing that Emma's appetite is either a greasy burger or something with syrup as of lately.

"I was thinking Granny's special French Toast..."

"Again...are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine! Can't a girl pig out on French Toast for dinner?"

She rolls her eyes at Emma's text and tosses the phone aside. To say the sheriff has been acting strange the past week is an understatement. For a brief moment Regina panicked, assuming her...maybe girlfriend was pregnant by the constant sleeping and odd eating patterns, but she sat back and logically processed her thoughts because she didn't want to jump to any irrational conclusions.

So, with that being said, it has been six weeks since they were in California and Emma hasn't slept with the pirate since they have been back. Emma even claims that she hadn't slept with him for months before that, so if she was pregnant with his baby, she would be showing already, and she most certainly isn't.

Even though they have yet to sleep together again, Emma still undresses in front of her when she stays the night at the mansion. Not to mention, Regina's fingers have mapped out every inch of that bare, porcelain skin by now and there is nothing there, but firm muscles.

Her phone buzzes again, disrupting her wandering thoughts, but she ignores the message knowing she has to focus on work. She has another hour of diligent work before she can leave with a good conscience and stop at Granny's for her famous Challah French Toast that Emma is whining about.

Yet, her phone buzzes for the second time, so she opens her drawer and tosses the device inside to keep the temptation locked away. She rolls her stiff neck and begins typing away at the computer to finish up whatever insignificant emails from citizens like Leroy, who is still requesting a casino be built.

After forty-five minutes of uninterrupted work, her phone alerts her again that she has a very needy Savior. She rolls her eyes and angrily rips open the drawer to discover Emma is actually calling her this time instead of texting. She sighs, but quickly answers the call, wedging the device between her shoulder and ear so she can continue typing.

"Miss Swan, I am not sure if you are aware, however, delivering for Granny is not a duty under my mayoral title," she snarks, smiling playfully into the phone.

"Regina, it's Henry. You need to come over now," Emma gasps into the phone, smacking that smug smirk right off Regina's face and causing her magic to react on pure instinct.

Her heart leaps to her throat as a wild cloud of purple smoke envelops her body and transports her directly into Emma's living room. When she arrives with her phone clenched between her fist, she finds Emma pacing frantically in her living room with Hook.

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