Chapter Twenty-Four

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"So, you're not up for changing your name either?" Regina teases her son, who is intently reading Granny's menu across from her, as though he's never seen that damn thing before.

"No mom, I've had this name longer, have Wish Henry change it," he chuckles under his breath, his eyes still roaming over the words as if something new will just magically appear out of nowhere.

"He won't, and we can't just keep calling him Wish Henry."

"What about Onry," he laughs to himself, provoking Regina's eyes to roll.

"I'm serious, this is all too confusing."

Henry sets down his menu, straightens his posture, interlocking his fingers upon the table, and forcing his most serious expression.

"Yes, let's be serious. How are you and Emma still fighting?" He sternly investigates, causing her to squirm under his scrutiny from the pressure of feeling as if she's sitting in a cold, damp, interrogation room.

"Henry, it really doesn't concern you and there's no need to drag you into something when you have your own life and family to care for," she concludes, casually picking up her menu like it's her first time seeing it upon the table before she intently scans through it.

"You can't fool me, neither can Emma, and you both have been terrible at it for as long as I can remember," he flatly replies.

She hastily snaps the menu back down and meets her son's stern gaze. "What are you talking about?"

"Like you don't know."

"Know what?"

"You really want to play this game? You know I will win."

"I have no idea what you speak of," she firmly demands, bringing the menu back up toward her face to keep Henry from reading too far into her expressions.

Heat slowly burns a path up her spine, flaring up like a roaring fire against her cheeks and creating an unbearable sheen of sweat on the back of her neck. However, she doesn't budge one single muscle and proceeds to read over Granny's meatloaf, even though she would never touch the disgusting dish.

"Alright, fine," Henry scowls and for the briefest of seconds, she exhales in relief believing she just won. And then he opens his mouth again causing every muscle in her body to tense instantly. "Where should we start?" And to her surprise, he sounds awfully calm.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Uh, you two ready to order?" Granny exasperates, tapping her pencil rapidly against her notepad.

"No, Granny, please give us a few minutes. I need to speak with my mother and knock some sense into her."

"Oh honey, this isn't an overnight establishment," Granny sarcastically retorts, her eyes raining down upon their table over her thick framed glasses.

Regina's mouth pops open with a snarky comment, but the woman quickly rushes off and Henry is leaning further across the table, ready to scold her for something she is unsure of.

"Mom, I'm not blind. I saw the way you would look at Ma whenever Hook was around. I saw the pain all over your face and before you even start, don't try and defend your anger because you despised the man. That has nothing to do with it. Why do you think I wanted to leave my graduation party so early?"

"Oh, Henry-"

"No, I saw that look in your eye, you were miserable watching Hook all over Emma."

"We didn't have to leave because of me, honey. I would have never wanted to ruin your night-"

"You didn't ruin my night, please don't think that, but I could not stand to see you so upset. Besides, I was excited to go home and sleep, so we could leave the next day." He offers a crooked smile, one she hasn't seen in quite some time that flashes just a glimpse of a time when he was really little, and her heart explodes with love.

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