Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Take it," Regina urges, waving the check like a feather drifting through the air between them.

"No, Emma already paid me for this week. She said she's tired of you constantly paying for daycare," Ashley shrugs off the gesture, busying herself with cleaning up the chaos of toys scattered across her floor like mines filling a field.

"Well, then take this for next week," she demands, determined to not give up so easily.

"Ugh, can't you two figure something out and stop putting me in the middle? It's so awkward," she grumbles, even though she rips the check from Regina's hand and shoves it into her back pocket while the queen smirks in triumph.

"Maybe one day," she flippantly says and places a gentle kiss to her daughter's temple.

"So, tonight is Hope's first night at your house, correct?"

"It is," she carefully replies, unsure where the conversation is leading.

"She'll be just fine," Ashley states through a smile before placing her hand for comfort behind Hope's head. "She knows that you're there and that's the most important thing."

"Well...thank you," she politely answers before she carries Hope out the door to head back to the mansion for her first night.


The cheerful music of The Beatles sweeps through the kitchen as Hope bounces in her high-chair and Regina prepares her special sauce for pasta. Her daughter energetically babbles in what she assumes is her version of singing and it always produces the giddiest smile to paint across Regina's face.

She stirs her sauce, before checking the firmness of the noodles. When she finds the perfect tenderness, she switches off the stove and removes another noodle, carefully blowing to cool it down before she cuts it up and places it onto Hope's plate. Her baby jumps eagerly for a bite as Regina places it down before her and brushes her fingers through those dark strands.

"Is that good, baby girl?" She coos, draining the noodles.

"Regina? Hope?"

A devilish smirk slips into place at that cheerful voice swimming through her home. "Mommy's here," Regina whispers, but Hope is far too invested in the plain noodle in front of her to care what she is saying. "Just like your mother, food first," she teases, listening to the heavy boots trampling through the home that fills her heart with so much love.

"Hey," Emma shyly greets her while Regina sets the pot back down onto the stove.

"Hi," she murmurs, closing the distance between them and delicately brushing her lips against hers before attending to their dinner once again.

Monday night, while they were cuddled up, Emma had asked if they could try again and after everything they have been through, and the beautiful baby they created out of their pure love, Regina just couldn't say no. They decided to take things slow, which entails family dinners, outings, and eventually date nights for them as well. However, she's not exactly sure how slow they will be able to go. They moved very slowly the first time they began their relationship and now watching Emma with Hope, well, it just does unexplainable things to her needy body.

"Hi, baby," Emma coos, greeting their daughter with a quick peck on top of her head. "How is she? She was kind of sluggish yesterday and this morning," she rambles, strolling across the kitchen to retrieve plates and silverware for their meal, encouraging a small tug at the corner of Regina's mouth.

"She's been quiet, but she's been eating well. She danced a little bit when the music started."

"Do you think she's getting better?" She timidly questions, gently placing the dishes by the stove for Regina to fill.

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