Chapter Eighteen

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The following week, Emma was making herself more consistent in Regina's life. By Tuesday, the sheriff had invited her over to her house for dinner. The mayor was skeptical at first on what the blonde might be whipping together, but then she remembered the delicious homemade soup in California and all her fears about the sheriff's cooking skills went out the window.

Emma must have spent the entire day slaving away over the stove, because when Regina arrived, there was a savory roasted garlic chicken with homemade mashed potatoes and an assortment of perfectly steamed vegetables. She was actually in shock by the mouth-watering food spread across the table like a feast.

They spent the evening in a steady conversation over their dinner, discussing the less depressing memories of their childhood. Emma spoke about her adventurous side when she would climb trees and scrape up her knees. She even showed off a scar embedded deep into her knee from a bunch of rocks that were so cruelly placed at a bottom of a slide for the next poor child that came down. Regina divulged more on the time spent with her father, especially all the heart to heart talks, where he would fill her in on all his little secrets about life and what makes the world go around.

After dinner, Emma explained everything about Netflix and even though Regina is very well rounded in modern technology, this was something she never had in her own home. Even though she does enjoy watching movies and shows with Henry, whenever she is alone, she usually spends her time reading.

Emma put on some show for them to watch, but they both became quickly distracted by more stories of their past. They spent the rest of the evening curled up on her couch, face to face with their knees touching as they discussed everything they could think of, until Regina left around midnight.

When Thursday rolled around, Emma unexpectedly showed up in the mayor's office with lunch. A kale salad for old time's sake, as she claimed, while she plopped down in the chair across from Regina's desk. So, they shared lunch, mostly discussing work related items and how they still feel it's necessary to hide their casual dating from the nosy citizens of Storybrooke.

Saturday was spent like every Saturday, cleaning her house that doesn't need to be cleaned and then joining the Charmings for dinner at Granny's. It was painful to pretend that everything was just how it normally was between she and Emma. And those wandering green eyes did not go unnoticed all through dinner and were causing every fiber in Regina's body to itch with desire of just being close to her.

She did her very best to distract herself from the gorgeous blonde, eyeing her hungrily all through dinner with those longing looks and playful smirks, and busied herself with playing with Neal. He is always such an adorable toddler, filled with playful giggles and whenever he's around she's reminded of how much she misses being a mother.

By the following week, Regina's phone was constantly filled with adorable messages asking about her day or wishing a good morning or goodnight. There were a few times Emma would attempt to engage in topics that were a bit risqué at the moment, so she would decline that idea rather quickly. She was already struggling with not throwing the woman down across her desk and having her way with her sheriff.

Regina invited her over Wednesday evening for dinner in which Emma demanded that she prepare her specialty, lasagna. After dinner, Emma set up Netflix in Regina's living room and this time they did spend the evening watching some of her favorite shows. She insisted that they watch one episode from various shows, so that way Regina could make a proper decision on which show they should 'binge' next, as she called it.

When the following Saturday arrived, they spent the evening with Emma's family at Granny's again and then she followed Regina home for a drink. Regina was the one who extended the invitation to allow her to stay the night. Emma accepted and Regina was so relieved and yet disappointed all at the same time when the blonde didn't push for anything but a few kisses. She wanted so much more, but then again, she didn't want to rush anything because she wants this relationship to be the one.

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