Chapter Fifteen

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There's a faint click off in the distance, sweeping away her dreams and startling her mind back to reality. Heat. So much heat is engulfing her body and she can only assume it's the adorable, clingy blonde that she shared the couch with last night. Panic settles deep into her bones from the thought of their son waking up hungover to find his mothers cuddling on the couch.

She quickly springs forward, but there's no resistance and when her eyes fling open, she comes to the harsh realization that she is alone. Her hand mindlessly pats the area where Emma slept, snuggled into her side all night, like the small action will find her lover there despite what her eyes are informing her brain.

The sun is shining brightly through the living room, almost blinding, and that's when she realizes the sun is the reasoning for the immense heat, not a gorgeous blonde. Her head whips around the room frantically while her heart thumps angrily from her biggest fear.

She ran.

Soft snoring is sweeping through the hotel from behind her and she knows her son is still out cold. Her feet are suddenly moving before her mind, padding across the suite in search of unruly golden tresses. As her half-asleep body stumbles toward the shared bedroom, she repeats to herself that Emma simply grew uncomfortable on the couch and retired to the bed.

However, she is sadly mistaken when she discovers both of the beds empty. One is still perfectly made from the day before and the other is all discombobulated from their wild activities. She sighs heavily, her head resting against the door frame as she stares aimlessly at the ruffled comforter and tossed around pillows with a type of longing, she hasn't felt in quite some time.

Of course Emma ran. What the hell were they even thinking? What the hell was she thinking to surrender so easily to the Savior?

She inhales sharply and she swears she can still smell that alluring aroma of warm vanilla that was embedded into Emma's sun-kissed skin. She's being ridiculous. So, she pushes her body off the frame and into the bedroom, busying herself with packing since they do have a flight in a few hours.

She really tries not to think about the gentle way Emma kisses as she angrily throws her clothes into a suitcase. She definitely doesn't think about how delicate each stroke of her fingertips was against her bare skin as she collects her bathroom cosmetics. And she most certainly doesn't recall the intensity they shared as they both climaxed together with their magic blending together as one.

She quickly finishes with her bags and drags them into the living room near the front door. She glances at the couch, but only for a moment because the warmth spreading through her blood just thinking about those enticing green eyes hanging on her every word, is far too much. She decides she needs another distraction, so she finds it in her son's room.

Quietly, she gathers his clothes around the room and begins packing his duffel bag, refusing to think about the horrific thought of Snow's insistent Saturday family dinners at Granny's with Hook and Emma sitting across from her. She never allows that sickening feeling to sink in from the thought of Emma taking her husband back and leaving her in the dust. She will be damned if she allows the image of them kissing happily in front of her, with his smug, pompous ass smirking at her afterwards.

But it's all useless, she obsesses about it all.

She growls under her breath as the front door softly clicks shut, grasping her full attention. She tosses down a pair of Henry's jeans and dashes out into the living room, ready to blast the blonde with magic like she did when the sheriff accused her of killing Archie.

It's a shame she doesn't have magic here.

"Hey," Emma softly whispers and the tenderness in her voice distracts Regina's raging anger for a brief second and that's when she notices the tray of coffee cups and a brown paper bag. Truthfully, she is at a loss for words, so she just folds her arms protectively across her chest and assesses the situation. "You okay?" She asks, full of concern as she sets down the items carefully onto the counter.

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