Chapter Twelve

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The night was long, excruciatingly never-ending, not to mention cold and terribly uncomfortable with twigs and random dirt patches pressing into her back. Yet, none of that mattered, because a more pressing issue was tormenting her mind, making it impossible to sleep a wink.

Emma Swan kissed her, and she walked away like a damn fool.

So, Emma being Emma, spent most of the evening drinking in front of the bonfire, hazardously tossing the glass into the flames whenever she finished one. When she finally had enough of self-loathing, she stumbled into their tent, drunk and buzzing with maddening fury. Neither one of them said a word as she angrily unzipped her sleeping bag and wrestled herself inside.

And that's how they stayed for the rest of the night until the first sign of sun; lying side by side, shoulder to shoulder, crammed into a tiny tent, refusing to touch or speak to one another.

When the soft pink hue peeked over the horizon and seeped into their tent, she and Emma both shot up and quickly exited, still in silence. Regina began preparing a breakfast over a small fire while Emma packed up their tent, not one word muttered.

Henry woke up not too far along after, luckily, not too hungover since he's still young and can easily bounce back. They ate, in more silence, unless Henry filled in the gaps and she and Emma mostly hummed along or answered every once in a while. Then, they packed up the Jeep and Emma drove them back to the hotel, thankfully the radio filled the void of communication.

When they arrived back to the hotel, they all showered and slept a few hours before the last college visit. Emma quickly made some sandwiches for them and before Regina knew it, they were back on another campus.

"American Film Institute," Emma reads the brochure once again as they stroll through the campus.

"This one was very difficult to book a tour for, it's very popular," she notes as they pass by a large theater room, but Henry keeps walking and doesn't bother taking a peek inside.

She and Emma share a knowing look, but they continue following their son. "I'm sure it was hard to book a tour here. Did you see the names listed on here?" Emma questions, in hopes to catch their son's attention, but he's not biting. "Marvel, Disney, Dreamworks and ABC, this is crazy, kid."

"Yeah, it's pretty cool," he acknowledges as they stroll right passed a room with video camera equipment and right toward the exit. "Hey, there's Matt and Julie, I met them on the beach the other day. They told me they were looking at some colleges too."

"Are they a couple?" Emma curiously questions, carefully eyeing the duo.

"No, I guess they just grew up next door to each other and they are both into film. I'm gonna go say hi," Henry says, finally with a smile on his face as he jogs away from his mothers.

Which leaves Regina and Emma alone again and they haven't truly spoken since she rejected the blonde last night. The tangible tension is so thick and so unnerving that Regina feels like crawling out of her skin.

So, in deafening silence, they watch as Henry engages with his new acquaintances. He's smiling and laughing, like they have all been the best of friends since they were little toddlers running around. Then the girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, places her hand on Henry's shoulder, slowly dragging her fingertips down until she grips his upper arm and squeezes. An obvious blush spreads across Henry's cheeks while he smiles back at her like she's a bright new shiny toy.

"Uh...." Emma, clearly perplexed by the over friendly touch, stutters beside Regina. Henry reaches into his back pocket to retrieve his phone and this Julie girl, quickly snatches it up with a wide toothy grin. "Isn't she being a bit flirty?" Emma finally manages to string together a sentence with her mouth agape.

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