Chapter Twenty-One

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"Is everyone here?" Regina softly inquires with every bit of nerves tingling throughout her limbs and exposing just how insecure she is to just mutter those words.

Even in a crowded room, with all eyes on her, there is only one person she's in search for. Only one person's opinion that matters to her.

Only one.

"Oh," Snow's face scrunches as she lowers her voice and leans just a smidgen closer, "I think the baby was fussy."

"Oh, okay," she says, faking a smile and nodding along, pretending that she's perfectly fine with Emma missing the biggest moment in her life that, the Savior, herself, worked so hard to help the former Evil Queen achieve.

Snow glances quickly at David and he smiles back at her with a knowing look that Regina's surely not in the loop of. "Shall we begin?" The princess hopefully questions, reaching into the box to reveal the most gorgeous, extravagant crown, sparkling in white diamonds.

Regina's eyes flutter closed for a brief moment just to regain her composure before she becomes a blubbering mess from those glistening eyes, swelling with pride and shining back at her.

"Do you, Regina Mills, accept the role of the first elected ruler of the newly United Realms?"

"I do," she accepts with all the control and elegance her mother once taught her.

If only Cora could see her now.

"Excellent," David breathes, excitement dancing across his face. "So, if you please," he gestures for her to kneel before them, so she may be properly crowned.

Regina gathers her dress on either side and smiles confidently as she kneels before the Charmings. Her friends. Her biggest supporters. Her family, now.

"I now crown you," Snow shouts for the entire room to hear as she steps forward, the sparkling diamond tiara hovering over Regina's head.

And her heart pounds anxiously to feel that heavy weight on top of her head once again, but this time she deserves it. She worked so damn hard, fighting every day against the darkness and proving herself worth over and over again.

Now, the moment has come, and her son is there, and she knows a bit of this crown is dedicated to him for helping her become the best version of herself. She just wishes Emma was there to witness the moment, because a piece is dedicated to her as well for never once giving up on her or never losing hope.

An unexpected ruckus startles everyone in the room, forcing Snow to abruptly stop speaking, and demanding that Regina spins around to uncover the sudden interruption.

"Sorry, I'm late," Emma heaves out.

Her green eyes blown wide in a rushed panic, with a diaper bag hanging recklessly off her arm and that tacky red leather jacket, (but it does hold a special place in Regina's heart), draped over her elegant dress.

"Emma," Regina breathlessly says, smiling with such relief and happiness that the woman made it just in time.

The Savior's cocky grin slips into place as she struts confidently across the room. "You didn't think I was gonna miss this, did you?"

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