chapter twenty three

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The ultrasound.
date: 09/26/18.
time: 11:30 am.
pov: annie's.

I was sat down next to Hayden whilst we waited to be called by the doctor.
My mind was racing about everything that's been happening since I've been pregnant. I feel like it's all too much for me to handle, but I can't give up now.
Maybe my mom is right - maybe having a baby would be good for everything.
"Hey, you okay?" Hayden asked.
My clouded mind of thoughts vanished as I was brought back from reality.
"Yeah, I'm just tired," I tell him resting my head on his shoulder.
"Did you get much sleep last night?" Hayden asked again.
I shook my head truthfully.
"I know that it's not good for our baby but I-I just can't sleep.." I whisper to him.
"Would it help if you slept at mine?" Asked Hayden.
I shrugged.
"I just feel so exhausted."
I felt a light kiss on my cheek.
My face grew a light pink color.
I was blushing.
"You just keep getting cuter and cuter," hayden whispered into my ear.
In conclusion I giggled quietly.

~ 5 minutes later ~

"Julianna LeBlanc?" A Nurse called.
"Come on, babe" Hayden said, holding out his hand.
I held his hand as we followed the nurse into a room.
"If you would just like to lay down on the bed over there," she exclaimed.
Hayden sat on the chair beside me.
I felt so nervous. We were going to see our baby for the first time.
"I'm Nurse Kristy, I'll be here for all of your appointments," Kristy tells us.
"First of all how many weeks do you think you are?"
"I took a test a couple days ago and it said two to three weeks pregnant - so probably three or four," I answer.
I look over at Hayden and he gives me a reassuring smile. He knows that I'm feeling very anxious right now.
"Okay, have you had any problems so far?" She asks.
I nod, "Just before I left I had sharp pains in my stomach, almost like a cramp pain but it was more strong. I also keep feeling lightheaded," I tell her.
"The pain may just be where your body is making room for your baby, and if you ever feel lightheaded it maybe due to hunger or thirst. When we do the ultrasound I'll be able to tell you more about everything," Kirsty answers.
I nod and smile.
I watch as the nurse starts applying some gel onto my stomach, it almost makes me shiver because of how cold it is.
My head turns towards Hayden as I feel him hold my hand gently.
"There's your baby," the nurse says.
I stare straight ahead at it. It wasn't long before my eyes were filled with tears.
"Wow.." Hayden muttered.
He kissed me lightly on my head and we both smiled at each other.
The pregnancy feels more real now.
"You are one month pregnant which means your baby is the size of an apple seed," the nurse tells us with a smile.
I giggle.
"I can see why you are getting sharp pains," Kirsty says after.
"Is the baby okay?" I ask.
"Your baby is okay, but I can see that you've been too stressed lately, you're blood sugar level is higher than the average pregnant woman" she explains.
"What happens if it gets too high?" Hayden asks with a concerned look on his face.
"It could increase the risk of miscarriage and diabetes, but at the moment it's only over by a little so you would have to keep it from increasing," she answers.
Hayden nods.
"Everything else is good, your baby is healthy," Kirsty tells us, giving me some towels so I can wipe off the gel.
Once I took the gel off I sat up and stood beside Hayden.
"I'll see you in a month or two for your appointment where you'll be able to hear your baby's heartbeat," the nurse greets us out.

                     •             *             •

Both Hayden and I walk hand in hand out of the hospital. I instantly felt hunger as I sat down in the car.
"I feel sick," I mutter, putting my hands over my face. 
"Let's get you something to eat," Hayden suggest as he pulls me into a tight hug.
I don't hesitate to hug him back.
"I don't want to lose our baby..." I whisper to him whilst we was still hugging.
"We're not going to, because I'm going to look after you," he whispered back.
His hand was placed on my jaw as he pulled out of the hug. Our lips soon connected for at least 15 seconds then pulled apart. The kiss felt so strong.
"Taco Bell?" Hayden asked.
"Im craving chipotle!" I tell him with a giggle.
"Chipotle here we come!" Hayden says back with a laugh.
He starts the car and we make our way to chipotle.

word count: 828.

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