chapter thirty four

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Annie's POV:

Math went so slow that I was unable to pay attention to the teacher.
"Hey, Annie are you okay?" Jayden whispered as the teacher turned her back from the class.
I nodded and rested my head on the desk.
"Miss LeBlanc, are you paying attention?" I heard the teacher say.
I looked up and saw a few people turning their heads towards me.
"May she be excused ma'am?" Asked Jayden.
She knew that I wasn't okay.
"Of course," the teacher replied.
I turned to Jayden and hugged her before grabbing my stuff and making my way out. I walked to the other side of campus and managed to find the class Hayden was in - chemistry.
There was at least twenty minutes until the end of fourth period so I didn't want to make Hayden leave class early.
I stood outside and pulled out a granola bar from my bag.
I'm hoping this will give me more energy because right now I feel exhausted.
I eat the granola bar and decide to go to the library as it's only two classrooms down and I really needed to study. When I walk in a go to the nearest table and pull out my books, pens and my earphones. I quickly put in my earphones and listen to some music, then begin my studying.

half an hour later.

I let out a quiet yawn as I pack away my stuff and walk over to Hayden's chemistry class.
"Hey baby," I heard Hayden from behind me.
A hug smile appeared on my face and I immediately turn around and run into his arms.
"I missed you so much," I whisper.
"I know, Jayden told me," he let out a small chuckle and hugs me back,
"I missed you too."

We stayed in the hall way hugging for a while.

"How are you feeling?" He asked pulling out of the hug and intertwining our fingers.
"Exhausted," I say as we walk to the cafeteria.
"We only have an hour left - do you think you'll be able to do it?"
I shrug and yawn.
"I was allowed to leave half way through my math class so I don't know if that can happen again.." I say.
"Why'd you leave early?" Hayden asked looking down at me.
"I felt really l-lightheaded.." I spoke.
"Do you still feel lightheaded?"
"I don't know."
"Have you drank enough water?"
"Yes... can you stop asking questions, you're kind of freaking me out.."
"Sorry, I just want make sure you're okay."
Hayden pulls me into a hug and I hug him back. I inhale his masculine scent that smells like sweet honey - which I adore.
"I want to go home," I say whilst hugging him, "I don't think i'll be able to sit in a classroom with people constantly staring at me... I really don't feel so good either.."
My anxiety starts exploding throughout my body.
Just the thought of people judging me behind my back makes me feel so unwanted. everyone used to consider me a 'friend' but now i'm just a 'slut' in their eyes. i can never be anyone's definition of perfect, even when i try so hard to please everyone.
i just can't do it.
i can't do this.

one... two... three...

i feel myself struggling to breathe.
my airways were completely blocked with fear and anxiousness that i absolutely hated.
my eye sight was blurred with the occasional tear that i felt trickling down my warm-pink cheek.
my mind was an overflowing mess of thoughts that never stopped.
i felt dizzy and nauseous.
"Anns? babe?" hayden's voice echoed in my mind as my eyes closed.
everything was pitch black.

hehe a cliffhanger. please don't kill me haha. i will probably post tomorrow so turn ur notifications on when i announce it 💓
also! if you haven't already go check out my other fanfic "trapped" and go vote for it thanks

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