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I had a client so I made breakfast and went to her house. Her name was Alicia and she was a new client who saw my works on Instagram and DM me to come do her braids.

She sent her driver to my address. Few minutes later we arrived. It was a modern house and really cool, but August house looked more expensive.

"Hi, you must be Kulture, am Alicia" a light skinned girl came to greet me said.
"Nice to meet you Alicia" I greeted back with a hand shake.

"So I've seen your work, ion know if you can take care of this" she asked revealing her rough hair, she was mixed race.
"I can touch this good" I said to her as I brought out my hair stuff from ma bag.

She sat in front of her dressing mirror while I took my water bottle to spray some water on her hair. "You want something that will last you for a week right" I asked her.

"Oy yass girl, I want ma natural hair thou" she replied.
"Gotchu" I said.
I started to comb her hair when I heard an accent.

"What you say" I asked her as I rub the jelly curls on her hair.
"I said lemme can text him" she replied.
"You Liberian" I asked her.
"Yes, why you Liberian too" she asked me looking through the mirror.

"Yeah I Liberian" I replied in my Liberian accent. "Oh girl am so glad I finally met my own person, so which part loh Liberia you can from" she asked me in our accent.

"I wuh staying in Monrovia, Barnersvile estate, what buh you" I asked her. "I stayed in Sinoe county, buh I wuh in Monrovia, Sinko old road" she replied.

"Yeah, that's good" I said.
After that she went into her into her phone. I braided the two sides of her hair then put the tail in a pony tail and curled that part.
I added hair jewelry to the braids.

Then later I styled her edges at her fore head with a styling jel. In an hour we were done.
"This is it" I said. "Girl, this shit is lit, oh thanks so much. I love this hairstyle, holdup lemme take a pic" she said as she posed for her camera. (Diamond as Alicia).

"So am bout to go" I told her. "Nah, not yet, stay a lil while, like have break fast with me please," she pleaded.
"Okay not a problem, I don't feel like going home anyways" I told her as I thought of August who slept out and didn't pick my calls, I don't even know why am jealous.

"Juice" Alicia asked me as she snapped me out of my thoughts, "sure" I replied as I took the glass of juice from her hand.

"Ayo, Kulture...." I called as I opened the door to my house.
"Kulture" I called again but no answer.

I went to the kitchen when I saw a paper on the counter.
How was your night out, your break fast is in the oven, just turn it on.

I didn't really care bout break fast, I pulled out my phone to call Kulture when It rang.
"Hellaw" I answered.
"Yo, August, its Sonic" Sonic said on the line.

"Ay man, what's up, sorry man I forgot to store your number" I told him. "Nah problem dwag, your song ready, so I was thinking you wanna come down and check it out" he asked me.

"Sure man, am gon come through in some minutes" I replied.
"Ait man bless up" he ended.
The fuck, were ma keys. I was really confused, I wanted Kulture to come with me so I called her phone but she ain't pick up.

I got in ma BMW and drove off, I kept calling Kulture but she ain't pick up. I hope she safe, cause if she ain't back by 3, I know something wrong.

"So right now you live with your friend and his a male" she asked me. "Yeap" I replied her.
"So you stay in this big house alone" I asked her.
"Well am 23" she laughed.
Suddenly my phone beeped, I remembered I had to meet Sonic for August music.

"Alicia, it was nice being witchu, but I gotta go, I will call you thou" I told her. "Okay babe, here" she said as she handed me 300 dollars. "Nah that hair is 150 dollars" I reminded her.

"Just take it, my driver will drop you off to wherever you going" she told me. "Thanks Alicia" I said as I hugged her and left.

"Hi Sonic" I said as he hugged me at the door entrance. "August in here" I asked him. "Sure, lemme go get something, Ima be back in a minute" he said as he strolled out.

"Dammit, Kulture, you scared the fuck outta me, I thought you went missing" he said as he stood up and walked to me.
"I thought you went missing in whatever you were doing last night" I said to him.

"Ready for the track" Sonic interrupted. "Yeah, sure" August replied.

Excuse my mistakes💖😘ready for a song, boom😄

August Alsina: Grind'Or'DieWhere stories live. Discover now