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"Today the 1st of January which is new year. Our two successful celebrities are getting married, August and Kulture and we are standing outside the big auditorium were they will be getting married am really excited" Anna a reporter said on the TV.

"Yes I am too, we have lots of movie stars and artist around, we just spotted Nicki, 6 9ine, young boy NBA, YG, and some other artist coming through" Nicole said.

I sat down still watching the Tv when ma niggas came in.

"Yow" They said as we all dapped.

"You all over the news bruh. We soon gonna have trump coming up here" Spike said laughing.

"Ha, very funny" I said back.

"All these people at yo wedding bruh, damn you that famous, we got like 20 something news channels round here" Cheda said.

"Ay, man, can we talk to our son for a sec" Travis sand Gina said.

"Sure his all yours for just now" Spike and Jordan said at the same time which made all of us laugh.

"We proud of you son" my dad said to me.

"You achieved a lot last year and this the beginning of a new year and we glad to have you well and alive" my mom said.

"Now its time you go wait at the altar with ya best men" Travis said.

My bump looks beautiful in my wedding gown.

Alicia and Nola were my brides maids, I was really nervous till Nas walked in my bridal waiting room.

"You look amazing" he said. When I told Nas bout the baby at first he said I was too young but me being successful and getting married was just okay.

"Thanks, you walking me down the isle right" I asked him.

"Yes" he replied.

"Can you gimme a sec" I asked him.

"10mins and we out" he said as he left and shut the door behind him.

I sat down and had a call on whatsapp from ma supposed grandma in Africa.

"Congrats" she said through the phone.

"Thanks" I said back.

"Am sorry for all the pain I causes you, I've seen your success and fame, and your father must be very proud of you for taking this step" she said.

"Thanks" I said back.

"Okay goodluck now don't forget to send me pictures after the honeymoon okay" she asked.

"Okay, bye" I answered as I hung up. Send pit pictures, Africa, never.

I thought about all I've been through and how I got here. I never believed I would be famous and have a lot of money, never thought I would meet the man of my dreams, this is seriously amazing.

I thank God, cause he did it all, now all I have to say is I do and our lives starts.

Thank you lord cause it was some journey but we pulled through, thank you lord.

"Ready" Nas asked me as he popped his head in.
"Ready" I replied smiling.
9months later.....

I was in the labour room with Jana and Gina.
We just celebrated Kulture 19th birthday and the next day which is today her water broke.

"It hurts" she shouted as I held her hand, Alicia. Nola and the others were waiting in the waiting room.

"Ready to push" the doctor asked he was a male doctor by the way.

"Sure why not" Kulture shouted back at him which almost made me laugh. Some attitude.

Kulture cried which made me cry too cause she was screaming and trying her best to push and all I could do was hold her hands.

"It gon be over soon" I said to her.

"Don't tell me all that huh, its your fucking fault, you did all this youuuuuu!!!" She said crying.

"We got the head, just push a lil more" the doctor said before you know it we heard a small cry.

"Its a boy" the nurse said as she cut the umbilical cord and wrapped the baby in a small blanket.

"Its a boy" Gina and Jana yelled to the others outside at the same time.

"Everyone can now come in" the doctor said as everyone rushed in.

They placed a small baby in Kulture hands
And ion even know why I was crying as I sat near her to hold his hands.

"He looks just like August" Jana said.

"Hey lil Hakim, its ya mama and Dada right here with the whole family" I said to him as he smiled at me.

"He heardchu" Kulture said.

"Awwwwh" everyone awed as they took pictures of us and lil Hakim.

I won't forget this day and this feeling as I held ma son in ma hands, this really had me feeling some typa way.

"I love you" I said to Kulture who just mouthed it back to me.

"What's his name" the doctor asked.

"Lil Hakim, Hakim Jude Alsina" we all said at the same time as we all laughed.

Welcome to the world Lil Hakim.

Excuse ma mistake.........💪😍

August Alsina: Grind'Or'DieWhere stories live. Discover now